
Friday, May 1, 2009

tempo run FAIL

There were a thousand reasons why my run sucked last night. To highlight a few:
  • I ate a Milky Way for sustenance yesterday and that was all, my poor stomach still hates me from the dairy eaten on Wednesday. And no the Milky Way didn't help. MILKY way. I'm an idiot.
  • It was cold, and 10pm, and dark, and I got scared running for the first time ever, it was weird.
  • I ran a new/weird route that ended up being by a lot of bars and was constantly on the look out/slowdown, stop and wait for drivers who were leaving the bars and not paying attention to me.
  • I accidentally turned my Garmin off for at least 3 minutes of one of my tempo-ed miles. UGH.
  • The route I ran was ridiculously under lit (hense contributing to the scaredy cat-ness) and I couldn't check my pace on my watch without touching it to light up, which caused me to slow down or just not run fast all together, based on my splits.
  • It was windy. No matter what direction I ran. Seriously. That's lame.
  • AND I cut the run short because I SWORE there were people robbing my apartment. (there weren't).

Phew. With that off my chest, I can move on. I ended up running 3.62 miles (including my estimation when I was running HARD without being timed/distanced). In 33:05 (also slightly estimated). I tried to run the first mile slooooow at 10:08 and then wanted to do 2 miles around 8:20 pace. Nope. 8:40 & 8:40, cheers for consistency. Then wrapped up the remaining cool down .62 in 5:37 (because I thought I was being robbed.)

I think I'll just flip flop Wednesday and Thursday's runs because my times for Wednesday sure seemed a lot more tempo-ed. I like the word tempo-ed. Ha.

I'm ready for the weekend in a ridiculous way. Tonight is a rest day, so rest I shall. With a delicious glass of pinot noir.

To brighten up this already CHEERY post, I will include some photos for Foto Friday.

Taylor and I at my first 'Skers game last fall.

The whole crew tailgating.

And the cutest picture we've ever taken.

P.S. Our faces are sooo much skinnier now than in these pictures. Go us for getting back in shape!


  1. running at 10pm!?!? be careful! At least you were consistent over the 2 miles. I know the runs that feel like a fail are annoying but you learned some things and it makes you stronger.

    Enjoy the pinot :)

  2. Yay getting in shape!

    Boo...crappy runs. Sorry about the Milky Way sabotage. Ick.

    I used to run at night ALL the time (like midnight), but now, I can't do it. It freaksme out too much.

  3. I think running at 10pm can be fun if the streets are well light and its not scary! Hopefully this week will be a good running week for you!

  4. LOL at you being conviced someone was robbing your apartment (glad it wasn't true!) I just watched Yes Man last night and it has a scene from a Nebraska football game.
