
Sunday, August 16, 2009

Long Run + Yoga Challenge

I think I may need to break down and get internet at my apartment.  How many times have I said that and I still don't?  Seriously, when Taylor is out of town, and I'm too lazy to come to his apartment/go to the library I seriously slack on my blog writing and reading.  It's be very convenient to just have it at my place.  But $35/month convenient?  I'm not sure yet.

Anyway,  Friday night I went to bed at the late late time of 9:45pm after watching I Love You, Man.  That movie is hilarious by the way.  I had the most restless night of sleep.  :(  Whenever Taylor is out of town, I pretty much don't sleep.  It's awesome.  But whatever.  I had planned on getting up and on the road by 6:30 so I could be done by 8 when it was supposed to start storming.  When my alarm went off at 6:15 it was pouring outside.  Awesome, thanks for waiting for me storm.  But then I remembered how much I LOVE running in the rain, and got perked up.

I didn't have much of a time expectation for this run, since my legs have been JUNK all week long.  I usually do my long runs around a 9 min mile pace, but figured I would run easy the first 1/3, pick it up a bit the second 1/3, and then haul ass as much as I could the last 1/3.  It actually worked out pretty well for me, and without really thinking about it/aiming for it, I came just a hair above 9 min. pace for the run.  Go figure.  :)  My legs felt pretty good, nothing like the lead bricks I've been used to all week.  The only difference is that I didn't feel like I had as much of a kick on the last 3 miles as I have for the last few long runs.

Because it was pouring, it was interesting to see the people who were "braving the elements" to get their workout in.  Very few (only one towards the end, actually) bikers, so I was able to hog the trail and run in the middle, avoiding epic puddles (for the most part).  All the runners were really smily/friendly.  Go figure.  Only runners would be that happy, that early in the morning, crunching out their long runs in the pouring rain.  :)

I did 11 miles in 1:39:12 for a pace of 9:01.
1. 9:16 
2. 9:19 
3. 9:26 
4. 9:17 
5. 9:09 
6. 9:08 
7. 9:09 
8: 8:59 
9. 8:54 
10: 8:35 
11. 7:55

The one issue of soreness/fatigue that seems to be plaguing me post-Wild West Relay are some crazy tight hamstrings.  I'm guessing you must use your hammys alot during hill work, maybe that's why mine are weak.  ;)  After stretching out post-run, I decided to do some yoga for hamstrings to further stretch them out.

Yoga two days in a row prompted me to start a little challenge.  I have roughly one month until my 1/2 marathon (September 13th).  I want to try my hardest to do yoga everyday until then.  Hopefully by that point it will just be ingrained in my daily routine.  I just love how strong and peaceful I feel after completing a session.  

I did opt against the ice bath because my body was already really really cold after stretching and yoga-ing.  I figured it would do my body more harm than good to sit in ice for 15 minutes.  I really can't tell all that much of a difference in my legs today after not doing it, so who knows.

Last night was a blast!  It was so good to see one of my college friends and help her celebrate her bachelorette party.  Many drinks were had, and many dance moves were busted.  

This morning I woke up, and I was determined to do Day 3 of the Yoga Challenge.  Yoga for Hangover?  Yes please.  Go figure I would have this flow series downloaded on my computer for a day like today.  Hah.  Day 3:  Complete.  I even went and purchased a second yoga mat so I have one at Taylor's too.  Little does he know, that when he returns home from his softball tourney, his spare bedroom will be my new yoga studio.  Hah.

Click here to see how to enter for a sweet giveaway for $100 gift certificate to Dicks.


  1. I could not live without my internet! I don't know how you do that :)

    Great job on the long run. You ended up doing a nice progression run :) and you have such an awesome LR pace!

  2. Those are some pretty fast miles for having junk legs!

    And life without Internet? My son is moving into his apartment in a couple of weeks and he's decided he can do without TV, but not without Internet!

  3. dang those look like great times to me for tired legs. I have started taking hot baths with epsom salts...cause I'm a wuss about the cold bath and those work for me!

    I love doing yoga and tend to go through streaks with it, but I'm working on getting back to it again

  4. i need a new yoga mat!! do you have one you really like? mine is all dirty and just need to upgrade :) uhoh with those hammies!!! keep on stretching :) sometimes yoga makes me sore... lol. great long run!!!!!!!!!! right back at it. i feel like the relay was just yesterday!!!

  5. Jeri - thanks for your comments yesterday. Words like yours really help to keep me motivated through the tough middle weeks of marathon training.

    And I trust that your streak is still alive?

  6. NICE JOB ON THE RELAY! I'm on vaca and am just catching up on reading my blogs...and will soon be posting again! And I was NOT sweat free...I was in the shade the whole time though. I sweat with the best of em...I have the occassional chaffing to prove it ;-) EWWWWW

  7. GOod luck with the yoga challenge. I can't ever seem to stick with it, but you're right, I feel GREAT when I finally do it.
