
Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Gym? Treadmill? What are those?

As I was getting ready to leave work on Tuesday, I checked the weather report. 85, 17 mph winds, 90% humidity. Thanks but no thanks. My runs are supposed to be easy peasy this week not sweat induced and hellacious.

I texted my running buddy, who's also conveniently the manager at my gym.
Me: You working today?
Running Buddy: Frickin' right I am!
Me: Sweet. I might use my membership. Whoa!
Running Buddy: No sh!t? You need directions to get here?

Funny funny guy. Apparently SOMEONE is monitoring my gym usage. To be honest, it's been pretty much nil the past few months. Who wants to run when it's amazing outdoors? And lifting? Eew. What's that? jk. I really need to start lifting. I think yoga is sufficing for now.

ANYWAY, I headed to the gym. I swear it wasn't much cooler than it was outside. After staring at the monitor for the first .4 miles I finally hopped off to grab some magazines to cover it up. Thought it might be a looooooong 4 miles otherwise. I even resorted to reading some of the RW that was blocking the monitor. GENIUS IDEA ALERT! They should make a treadmill-friendly issue for all gyms that subscribe. One that's as big as the ESPN mag is with ginormo font that you can read while running. Holy crap, I'm smart. End Rant. Otherwise running buddy provided some good distraction while we discussed our plan/neurosis about the race on Sunday, but then he had to go back to work--lame!

Talk about boring. Wow. After 2 1/2 miles of slogging along at a 9:22 pace, I finally had to bump up the speed. I was over this lame-o run (and was currently covering the treadmill, and possibly the two individuals on either side of me in run-off sweat). When I was done and stretching, I re-remembered why I only wear black shorts to the gym. "Hi everyone, no I didn't pee my pants. I just sweat that much. What? That's just as gross...erm...sorry."

I did 4 miles in 37:00 for a pace of 9:15. No idea what my splits were because a Runners World and Town & Country mags were covering up the monitor. :)

Tonight I did the most amazing yoga series from the Yoga Today podcast: Balancing and Backbends. Kicked my butt but in SUCH a good way.

Ok, on to the fun stuff. I'm currently creating the ever-important race playlist for Sunday, YES SUNDAY, Haven't you been paying attention!?!?!? jk. I would love, LOVE, l-o-v-e to hear what songs you're currently getting pumped up to. You know, that song that comes on that you immediately crank up and can't help but quicken your leg turnover. In turn I will share a few of my current jamz with you kids. See how that works. I call this a musical relationship. :)

Jay-Z--Run This Town (I've contemplated just listening to this on repeat for the whole race. Gotta love the running references)
The Veronicas--I Can't Stay Away (current love affair with the Veronicas)
Boys Like Girls--Punch Drunk Love
Black Eyed Peas--I Gotta Feeling
Ida Maria--I Like You So Much Better When You're Naked
Marz--Do What You Do
Pink--Ave Mary A
Kelly Clarkson--Long Shot
The All-American Rejects--I Wanna
Jimmy Eat World--Feeling Lucky
The Veronicas--Untouched

Clearly I need some more sweet music. Think booty shaking, ridiculous pop, whatever is going to get me across the finish line the fastest. :)


  1. Thanks for sharing the tunes and good job utilizing that membership! :)

  2. Sunday is soooo close! My top picks right now:

    -Miley Cyrus- Party in the USA
    -Britney- Circus
    -Black Eyed Peas- Boom boom pow
    -Black Eyed Peas- Tonight's gonna be a good night

    Good luck!

  3. I totally read magazines any time I go to run at the gym, it is my release!!

    Hmm I really like listening to audio books right now when I run. I'l lhave to think about what actual songs...mostly country really

  4. Ha! I was going to recommend the Ida Maria song, bit scrolled down and saw you already have it! A few others I am liking right now:
    Vampire Weekend- A-Punk
    Green Day- I Fought the Law (I don't usually like remakes but this one is good.
    Muse- Knights of Cydonia (good pace pusher)
    Shiny Toy Guns- Ghost Town
    Beyonce- Single Ladies
    The Ting Tings- That's Not My Name

    Good luck on Sunday!

  5. I havent heard aaaany of those - SWEET! gracias!

    right now I'm listening to FOB. Yes, STILL LISTENING TO Fall Out Boy. it's ridiculous. Their last two albums are the only songs my ears hear. plus this random song from the Step Up 2 soundtrack that I found in my iTunes last week. ha, SO helpful. I know. ;)

    on another note: "bring 'Em Out" by T.I. is a fixture on my race lists.

  6. haha thats how i felt last week, i hadnt been on a TM in FOREVER but something about it just sounded better than being outside in the hot :) great job!

  7. I recommend Kevin Rudolph's "Let It Rock" as well as Bon Jovi's "Shot Through the Heart." I LOVE running to these two.

  8. Kanye: Stronger and Buckcherry: Crazy Bitch ALWAYS make me run faster. :)

  9. i love to see people's playlists!! i have untouched on mine too. that;s my go to song for the kick at the end. love it. also have some lady gaga and BEP's pump it.

  10. I hate treadmills with a passion. But I gotta say, I love running to Jay-Z too, and he does help make it better :)
    Ps, basically anything you download by T.I. will be fun to run to

  11. Woohoo, Half Marathon on Sunday!

    I don't have any good suggestions, sorry. My playlists are lame,and I try to run without music.

  12. Hollaback Girl by Gwen - one of my favorites. Always get a little pep in my step.

    Good luck this weekend!

  13. Man. I've got to get back into race mode here. I have a marathon in less than a month!

    Sorry I can't help with the playlist - but I'm just not in music mode right now.....

    Best of luck this weekend!

  14. These are random and don't laugh....

    The Ting Tings- That's Not My Name
    Miley Cyrus- Party in the USA
    Pop Evil- 100 in a 55
    Pink- Funhouse

    Good luck!

  15. WOW we are music TWINS! i love your song list!
    here are my others:
    1. aint no rest for the wicked- cage the elephant
    2. gotta work- amerie
    3. down- jay sean ft. lil wayne
    4. all the above- marino
    5. between a bullet and a target- citizen cope
    6. shipping up to boston- dropkick murphys
    7. don't trust me- 3oh!3

  16. I always cover the treadmill in a large sweat mist :) nice job getting it done.

    Some that weren't already suggested.... How about some
    Good Girls Go Bad- Cobra Starship
    Young Folks - Peter Bjorn and John
    Daylight - Matt and Kim
    Low - Flo Rida
