
Tuesday, October 6, 2009

In other news, I'm an idiot....

Yet another rainy day prompted me to hit the gym again. Seriously this is getting old. But as I've stated before, I actually enjoy doing speedwork on a treadmill, so I did a swaparoo with the schedule to allow just that. On the agenda: 5 miles. 1 mile warm up, 4x800 m. @ 3:43 pace, w/400 m. jogs, & 1 mile cool down.

Totally forgot how packed the gym is right after work. Blech. I did my warm up mile, stretched the quads and calves, set the speed at 9.6 and was off. HOLY CRAP. I did this same work out 2 weeks ago only with 3 instead of 4 800's and felt fine, hence the addition of another 800. But I was s-t-r-u-g-g-l-i-n-g. After I hit .5, I hit the lap button on my garmin to record my split and slowed down to a walk to catch my breath. I couldn't believe that this was so much harder than 2 weeks ago! While walking I scrolled through my history and time to see what my split was: 3:16. A pace of 6:30. WHAT?!?!? And then it hit me, somewhere during my poor mental math skills, when doubling 3:43 I came up with 6:26, and that's what I set the treadmill at. TURNS OUT...3:43 x 2 = 7:26. Heheh, whoops! No wonder it felt so tough. :p

I was relieved (to say the least) that me dying was not from being out of shape/slowing down, and even MORE relieved that I didn't have to do 3 more of those puppies, because I was ready to walk out of the gym after one. Uff. The last 3 felt like a breeze in comparison. It definitely gave me a lot of confidence going in to my 5k for this Saturday.

I did 5 miles in 46:23 for a pace of 9:17. (This included .05 walking after each interval and .2 jogging).
Warm up Mile: 9:52
Interval 1: 3:15 (6:30 pace)
Recovery 1: 3:06
Interval 2: 3:38 (7:16 pace)
Recovery 2: 3:06
Interval 3: 3:34 (7:08 pace)
Recovery 3: 3:03
Interval 4: 3:44 (7:28 pace)
Recovery 4: 3:18
Cool down Mile: 9:47

**Disclosure: I was totally "that girl" during the final 1.25 recovery/cool down. I flipped through the People I had been previously using to cover up the treadmil screen. It helped pass the time sooooo much, and I found the updo I want to wear for my old roomies wedding next weekend. SCORE. But ya, I looked like a douche probably. :) **
October RACES

So speaking of my 5k this weekend, I'm trying to sort through my races for the rest of the month. Obviously, the weather is changing here in the Midwest, and before too long races will be out of the question. Heck we might've already reached that point, who knows. I'm doing a 5k this Saturday to try to break my current PR and go under 24 minutes. There's another 5k on the 24th of this month that I was contemplating doing and actually racing, just because I figure it'll be my last shot at a 5k for 2009. And then there's a 10k on Halloween that I'm also interested in doing. I've never done a 10k before, so auto-PR. I'd try to race it, but more just to do a 10k then to get a killer time. Also, let's be honest, I remember wearing snow suits under my Halloween costumes as a kid, so there is a good possibility I could be running 6.2 in the snow. :p

Since that's 3 races in 4 weeks time, I realize that could be a bit much, but I was thinking I could substitute the races for the speedwork I currently have on the schedule for those weeks (I'm starting Dallas White Rock half marathon training next Monday. WHOO!) Any thoughts? Suggestions? Interest in dressing up as a banana and entering the Halloween race with me? Seriously...I've always wanted to race in a banana costume. I might try to snag one on clearance post-Halloween this year to have as a standby for the future.

Go to Amanda's blog at RunToFinish for her sweet Moeben giveaway!


  1. The math mishap is totally something I would do!

  2. I've never raced a 10K either. Got to love the insta-PR. Good luck with all those races. Take care of yourself and stay healthy!

  3. I'm so bad at math and even worse while running! Nice job on the repeats today even though the 1st was miscalculated.

    Good luck with all those races! I've run a halloween 10k before and it's fun to see everyone dressed up!

  4. I've never raced a 10K either! Haha, I'd like to hear the race report about how it was like to run 3.1 miles in a banana suit- so awkward, but so hilarious!

  5. i'm horrible at math. impressed that you figured that out while doing speedwork. score on the updo! -cw

  6. ohh math, how we loath the! maybe that's why i stay away from those treadmills so i don't have to worry about that! hahah!

    and good luck w/ all the races. i have none for october, only for nov! 1/2 marathon and 10k! whoop!!!!

  7. Ooh, I would totally dress up in costume and run with you. that'd be a blast! I think races are Great substitutes for speedwork - that's essentially what I spent the entire summer doing (not intentionally, but, worked out that way). Plus, it's a lot more entertaining than hopping on a treadmill and doing simple math to figure out a goal pace ;)

  8. Okay, math is WAY harder when you're running. I mess up calculations all the freakin' time and think that I'm running really awesome splits. So sad. :(

    Ah, I wish we had a Halloween 10K!!

  9. I did speedwork this morning and I really like doing it on the treadmill..holy crap 9.3 though?! no way

  10. 6:26 is a pretty smoking time! Shows you what you are capable of!

    I *love* the 10K distance. Short enough that you don't kill yourself doing it, but long enough that it requires some strategy. You've done the 5K and the HM. I think you'll like the 10K! Hope the weather cooperates!

  11. Holy smokes, you were booking it! I was barely hanging on for .25 intervals at 8.5 on the treadmill yesterday, not sure I could have finished one .5 at that pace. You rock!

  12. Around me they have these winter trail running series. i wish there were more winter races! They seem pretty cool but i have never run one. Good luck in the 5k this weekend!!!

  13. KILLER speed work. oh my gosh, you ran a whole minute faster than you meant to but guess what you did it!!!!!! maybe it's time to start asking even more of yourself??? hahah... but if it is crazy hard that might be too much of a jump.

    5k!!!!!!!!! good luck!!!!!!!!!!! take the confidence from your speed work and RUN WITH IT!!! go get 'em!

    (and so cool you picked an updo. jealous over here i want my hair done!!!)
