
Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Halloweeeeeeeeeeeen + tempo run + psychology lesson

So the reason I was in such a hurry to get the 11 mile long run done was so that I could get on with HALLOWEEN! My old running buddy, Matty, and I had made plans to put the final touches on my costume and do some quick shopping to finish his costume. We had a tight schedule to follow, obviously. :)

Matt went as Bret Michaels (the singer). Some of you may know him better from the crappy show Rock of Love. Anyway, he actually kind of looks like Bret Michaels, so the costume was a HUGE hit. I will take full responsibility for his awesome make up application. In return, we both learned that he is somewhat of an expert at fake eyelash application. Who knew, right?

After spending a little time at one of his co-workers, we headed out to the bar, knowing we'd run in to the rest of my friends. And they were decked out as well. The newlyweds represented their own crappy reality tv show, by going as Jon & Kate Plus 8. Mel's wig is probably the sweetest thing I've ever seen. :)

I love that they look super pissed off and annoyed. Yes, Barry should've had an Ed Hardy shirt on, I already gave him crap for it.

One of my other good friends went as a toilet. Which was awesome. Especially because I got sick of walking all the way to the bathrooms to relieve myself. Don't mind if I do!

I have no idea who this guy is, but while standing at the bar I looked at him, and with sheer glee in my eyes whispered, "Oh my God...are you Dexter?!?!" He put his face mask down and was super excited that I got it, since most people didn't. Of course we had to take a picture. My grin proves how excited I was by his costume.
And finally, Mr. Taylor dressed up as a doctor. Of course I had to steal his stethoscope to check his vitals. Ahhh...just as I suspected....heartless.
:) My god I'm clever.
Any guesses as to what I am? Prior to going out, Matt and I had determined that 5 people would be able to guess my costume. The final result: 1. :( Oh well. Anytime I can rock the sexy but clever costume, I absolutely will.


The aforementioned festivities left a not so pleasant Sunday for Miss JerBear. We're talking mondo tummy pains. :( I still made myself get out the door for my 6 mile long run. However, because of the time change and the Packers game (oooooooh so sad, btw) I didn't get out to run until well after dark. Again probably a good thing because my stomach was still PISSED. I decided to run by my old stomping grounds, because I feel comfortable running in that neighborhood after dark. The only downfall is that there are some serious hills en route to the stomping grounds. Oh well, hills make you strong, right?

P.S. I would also like to point out that even though it was well after dark, I was WEARING SHORTS. Yes. November. I'm in shorts. Can I get a loud and proud, heck ya? Ok, enough of that.
The run felt really good and it was nice to hit up the old 'hood. It was even nicer letting the legs get some air. :) I did 6 miles in 52:51 for a pace of 8:49. My goal pace for the tempo miles was 8:23. Average tempo pace 8:30. Whoops

1. 9:41
2. 8:42
3. 8:38
4. 8:22
5. 8:19
6. 9:05
To be honest, my legs kind of felt like crap from wearing heels all night before, and my stomach could've emptied itself at any moment. Mental note, do not leave any tough runs for Saturdays/Sundays just in case you are inspired to go out on the weekend. Uff.


  1. Freudian Slip of course. I am sure it had an affect on someones Labido (spelling).

    Fun party.

  2. Sorry about the Packer game. It must kill ya seeing Favre wearing a Viking helmet. My oldest son and I are big Favre fans though. Although I am not a Viking Fan. The way they stole Hutchinson away from my Seahawks cannot be forgiven. I am a Packer fan. They need some lineman and Ryan Grant looks lost this year. Driver is having a great year.

  3. You were a Freudian Slip!!!

    Which, I only know because someone else did that and i was like "ohhhh". haha. Still, it was clever :)

    I can't believe you Still headed out for that run - mucho props. That's rough. But, it's in the bag!

  4. Looks like a fun weekend! I'm loving Dexter - that's awesome! And very clever costume ;)

  5. Haha Jon and Kate! I love it. Clever costume from you too! People aren't too quick on the pick up, I suppose.

    I'm loving the shorts in November...I don't know why people are wearing tights when it's not that chilly!!

  6. oh man those are some of the best costumes!! I love it when people go all out!!

  7. The Packer game sucked. So depressing. Wait until you run that lap around Lambeau for the marathon - it makes you have a whole new appreciation for watching those home games!

  8. Those costumes look sweet! I love the toilet one and your friend does look like bret michaels!!

  9.'re a Freudian slip, right? What's not to get? Am I missing something?!?

  10. This is the way Halloween should be celebrated!

    Did you really say "Can I get a loud and proud, heck ya?" Don't tell me you folks speak with a Minnesotan accent too? I travelled around most of the country and I'm sorry - but I just have a hard time with that whole accent. Everytime I watch Fargo I spend more time chuckling at the accent than anything else.

    BTW - what's your next race? You see to be putting in the miles! I know if I don't have something in the sights, I'll lose interest pretty quickly.....

  11. Great costume!! And fun pictures!! Great job on getting out there and finishing 6 miles even with an icky tum.

  12. Uh oh. If there's something wrong with your foot *do* take the time off to let it heal! You have plenty of time before you're next race!

  13. Drunk people can't pick up on stuff that clever!! :) But Dexter is freaking awesome!

  14. How could no one get Freudian Slip??? Such a clever costume! When I saw the pics on FB I couldnt read the writing and was like WTF...but, pure genious.
