
Monday, December 28, 2009

Merry Blizzard

I must say my Christmas was a little less than Merry.  Bahhumbug and all of that.  South Dakota (and much of the midwest) was hit by a monster blizzard that left me stranded away from my family.  At first I thought it would be kind of fun.  Ooh!  Snowed in! PJs for days!  Then it just got booooooring.  Mental note:  Being snowed in = fun.  Being snowed in alone = makes you want to slit your wrists just a lil. (kidding.  kind of.)

Once Saturday hit, I realized I hadn't left my tiny apartment in over 48 hours, and decided to trek outside to attempt to clean off my car, and play photog.  Since it had been so long since I had driven my car, I had forgotten where I had parked.  I proceeded to spend at least 5 minutes cleaning off another red car before thinking, "wait a second...  when did I get a spoiler?"  Here's my car POST cleaning off.  I actually had to call in reinforcements on Sunday to help me scoop her out.  Poor thing.

I live right by a really pretty park, so I wanted to take some pictures of the pretty Christmas trees all covered in snow.  Please enjoy.

Trying to capture how deep the snow is.  Only knee high here.  No biggie.

But this, my friends is mid-thigh.  Slightly impressive.

All bundled up!

Deeeeeeep foot prints.

I love me some snow covered trees.  So purty.

This one may end up in my living room decorated next Xmas. :p

In total, we ended up with 18.5" of snow, but some drifts were easily 4-6' tall.  At my parents house my mom took a picture of my dad (who's 6'3") standing in front of a drift 2 1/2 times taller than him.  Impressivo!

Also thanks for posting about your lovely holidays.  I totally lived vicariously through all of you.


  1. WOW!! 4 years living in Topeka and 5 inches was the biggest snow event there. I did have an 18 inch snow fall in Seattle in the mid-late 90's. Great pix, thanks for sharing them. When will it all go away though?

  2. Holy crap. I've been to South Dakota once- in the summer, thank GOOODNESS. Thats a TON of snow!!!!!

  3. Been there, done that. We should get t-shirts!

  4. Those pictures are gorgeous! Thanks for sharing :-)

  5. LMAO! You were so right when you said just wait til you see how I was dressed! OMG girl that is nuts! I seriously don't know if I could deal! Thanks for sharing the pics though... I will live vicariously thru them without the cold! :P

  6. Thigh high!??? 18.5"?? Um, I'm going to ignore your comment from yesterday about being ready to "move to the midwest". Noooo no no...we need to get *you* in DC. Our snowstorm aftermath has already melted ;)

  7. That's a lot of snow! So pretty in the pictures, but yuck.

  8. Now, that's alot of snow! I'm jealous

  9. Wow, thanks for bundling up and trekking outside to take pictures of all that snow! It's really pretty, though I'm sorry that it trapped you inside!

  10. That' an impressive dump! You know it's serious when you can't find your car. I had that happen to me once in college. Went o a ski trip that turned into a weekend condo trip becuas it was snowing so hard. Three days and eight feet of snow later, we had to send out a search party for the car.

    Those are some beautiful pictures. Thanks for braving the cold and sharing them with us.
