
Thursday, April 8, 2010

Jeri the Yogi

Tonight I "did it."  Eeew.....not that "it", what are you a junior high girl?!?!  (Btw, while rereading my diaries this weekend, totally referred to "it" as "it"when referencing "it" following me?  The fact that I wasn't able to call it anything other than "it" was probably a good indicator that I was smart for not actually doing "it."  But I digress.)  I finally attended a yoga class!!!!

I've been doing yoga off of Fit TV, and on video podcasts from iTunes for the past 4 years, but I've been too big of a chicken to actually go to a class....for the past 4 years.  In my town, we have a first Friday celebration, where a lot of places downtown will hold specials/events/etc. the first Friday of each month. There is a yoga studio in town that offers free classes on the first Friday.  Yet still I've been too big of a wuss to go.  After wussing out yet again last Friday, I decided I would go no matter what this week.

I checked out another studio in town that offered your first class fo FREE.  Hahah, I just really like to say fo FREE (part of the sweet secret language that the office hubby and I have developed).  Anyway, after trying to get anyone and everyone to go with me, because again, I'm a freakin' wuss, I finally ended up there on my own....sweating bullets before it even started (literally...I was pitting out sitting at my desk the last 30 minutes of work...lame sauce).

The class was super small (4 students) and the instructor chatted up myself and another girl who was new to the studio.  When I told her I had never been to a class before, she basically said this would be the last class she would recommend for someone's first.....excellent.  At this point I expected to do crow's pose for the full 60 minutes (I have it mastered for roughly 15 seconds at a time, which is a vast improvement for me!).  She got started, and it was actually great.  She corrected me in a couple of poses, which I was grateful for--the worst part of practicing by yourself is you never know what you're doing wrong/right!  Apparently I hold my shoulders very high, which I actually find myself doing all the time, not just during yoga, and it's why I have such tense shoulders and get such bad headaches, good to know!

There were some times were I was tired and shaky, but overall the class was really really great.  I guess I was confused as to why she thought this would be a bad first class to take?  Hmm...oh well.  The great thing is the prices for class are crazy reasonable $6 for drop ins, or you can purchase a punch card for 12 classes for $60.  Doesn't get much better than that.  I think it'll give me something to look forward to during the week other than running, and it'll be nice to have someone else kicking my butt instead of me doing it all the time.

The other day I was updating my race spreadsheet (yes, as noted previously, I love me a good spreadsheet).  I list all races that I'm interested in doing along with date/time/fee/location/date of cheap fee/etc.  I always pay for a race on the last day of the cheap/early bird deadline, because I am cheap.  I was scanning the spreadsheet to see what races would need to be paid for the in the next couple of months (see that, planning and budgeting AHEAD, you'd think I was a credit counselor or something :p).  What the heck?  Vegas RnR cheap-o deadline is May 1st??? it just me or does it seem a bit premature to register for marathon #2 before even toeing the line for marathon #1??  Based on MARATHON TRAINING so far, I really want to do another one, but I know the actual marathon could be a whole other ballgame.  Thoughts???

(Also, I tend to have 900 windows open at all times.  Multi-tasker is an understatement.)

And in random office hubby story news:

I went home for Easter, and while we were eating dinner, I started telling a work related story and mentioned "my co-worker."  Immediately my mother chimes in asking if I'm referring to Tom.  She then precedes to say how cute he is, which means my mother is a) stalking my blog (hi mom!) or b) stalking my work Facebook fan page (as there are pictures of all of our staff on there).  She then wants to know if he's single.  Hi, mother.  Remember that one guy that I'm dating?  I don't think he'd be too happy if he knew you were trying to work your magic with my office husband.  :P  Needless to say, she was pretty bummed he was taken (for me, not herself; in case that wasn't clear :p).


  1. Congrats on a great first Yoga class. I love when the instructor is hands on. I did Yoga for 4 years also, before getting the nerve to go into a studio. I love how it relaxes me. Yay for Yoga.

  2. I already had #2 in mind before I ran #1. I hadn't paid cash money for it but I was all but committed... 8 months out. LOL! :)

  3. Love it!! Glad to hear that you had a great yoga class!

  4. Oh good, I'm not the only nerd who has a race planning spreadsheet! : )

  5. gotta love our Moms, yeah? And that is one helluva race spreadsheet..I can see the love all over that thing. HAHAHA

    and does this current yoga experience mean no mroe Fit TV youga?

  6. Yay for yoga! I usually don't go to class b/c they never fit into my schedule! What iTunes yoga video podcasts do you recommend?? Also, are they fo free? I am looking for 'fo free' ones. Thanks!

    I say if the difference is $20 bucks or so, I would wait until after the first marathon to sign up. But maybe not because you HAVE to sign up because I am running it and I am going to peer pressure you from now until then. :D

  7. yay!! so glad you had a good yoga class. i nearly choked on my water when i read there were only 4 people!!! holy moly accountability!!!!! hehe. but you are sure to get good teacher attention that way. i love when the teacher comes around and pushes/pulls you in the direction you should be pushing/pulling yourself :) and AMAZING prices! i'm so jealous!

  8. Congrats on going to your first Yoga class!!! What a huge step!!! Keep it up! :)
    L Finch

  9. Yeah yoga class! I was afraid to at first too but i love having the teacher there to instruct and help. It really is great!

  10. you are soooooooo funny! thanks for making me LOL at work. :) ANd, thanks for the 411 on VRR registration...can't wait to run it with ya. -cw

  11. Congrats on making it to the yoga class. I would love to be able to go to a class sometime - so boring doing it by myself. Ha, "it." :)

  12. I remember my first yoga class after moving to California. I was hooked and kept returning. I loved the class and the instructor. Since then, the instructor has moved away and I am in the process of finding a new one..sigh. NICE spreadsheet! I love looking up new races, but I have to be careful about the race fees haha.

  13. Heh, I have 7 windows open right now...that's like a constant joke around here: D - "how many?" Me - "uhh...whaa?.. I'm playing Solitaire? Damn."

    Anyway! Mah friend Ivan has a race spreadsheet too! It makes TOTAL sense to me - gotta stay on top of those cheap registration fees! shiz adds up way too quickly. LV RnR is on my "maybes" too..uh ohhh.. ;)

  14. Hey if you are liking training go for #2! I think I for #5 before 4 anyways :) plus I may see you in Vegas...looking at the 1/2! I had a good race there few years ago!

  15. Hey if you are liking training go for #2! I think I for #5 before 4 anyways :) plus I may see you in Vegas...looking at the 1/2! I had a good race there few years ago!

  16. haha "it" made me literally LOL!!!! Yoga is great, but it's somewhat awkward at 1st, but I am glad you went to the class :) I signed up for marathon #2 before I had done #1 and you will love it! Mine were only 12 weeks apart too, so you will have plenty of time to train and recover!

  17. I was going to sign up for marathon number 2 this week then I decided to hold out. Not sure I'm the biggest fan of marathon training. Especially this week! ha.
    I really like that speadsheet idea! So nice a organized!

    Congrats on an awesome first yoga class!

  18. $5 for yoga would be inexpensive enough to motivate even me! Around here you're looking at somewhere between $10 and $15 per class.

    About Vegas - are you going for the marathon or for Vegas? If the latter, do they (Rock n' Roll) offer a HM? If they do, they typically let you switch between the two races that's why the HM and the Full cost the same). I know people who have signed up for the San Diego full, but will probably switch down and vice versa. Let's you get in a race *and* enjoy the sights!
