
Saturday, May 1, 2010

Easy Run + Texas Ya'll!

Monday I had to wake up early to get my run in before taking off to Dallas for a work conference.  I was supposed to get in 8 easy miles, but a) it was atrocious weather out b) I didn't want to wake up before 7am (I normally get up at 7:30-7:40 for work, 7 is EARLY! :P) c) I'm really embracing the taper.  I decided 6 would be just dandy.

I put on capris, a long sleeve, and a jacket for the first time in a LONG time (thanks for being nice lately, SoDak weather).  I love running running in the rain.  It's actually my favorite weather to run in, however, I loathe running in the cold while it's raining and the wind is gusting.  When I reached the 3 mile turn around spot the wind smacked me in the face.  It was SO COLD.  (Once I got home, I realized the wind chill was 33 degrees; that explains it.)  I tried to fit my hands into my light jacket's sleeves, but they were beyond numb by the time I got home.  Also my legs felt like they were at least 1200 lbs. a piece.  Clearly the lactic acid was still a-chillin' post 20 miler.  Holy cow.  Oh well, heavy legs equate to the easy pace I *should be* running my easy runs at. :)

I did 6 miles in 58:50 for a pace of 9:49.

After rushing around to get ready and pack it was off to the airport.  I arrived at the airport *as* my flight was boarding (oops!) was the 2nd to last one to board.  Arrived for my connecting flight as my 2nd flight was boarding.  Of course it was in Chi-town so I had to run all over the airport.  Made it, had terrible turbulence and almost barfed on the plane, and finally arrived in Dallas. :)

My brother came and picked me up shortly after I checked into my hotel and brought me back to his place so I could see my little nephew.  Being the adorable 3 year old that he is, he had to show me how he could do EVERYTHING.  And I snapped a gazillion pics in the process. Enjoy.

We're #1 obvs.

My bro and Harrison. H is literally a mini-Keith.

We both smile showing *ALL* of our teeth.  Love it.

Brings new meaning to cheese, huh?

Had to play w/the editing on this one.  He's just so cute. :)


  1. Okay I LOVE the cheesey smile on him in the second to last picture. My nephew's only 6 months old, so I can't wait for him to talk and walk and show off. Enjoy him!

  2. Love the cheese photo! Too cute! And your scarf is super cute too!

    Nice job fitting the run in before the travel day! Isn't traveling through O'Hare fun ?!? :)

  3. What a cutie!

    That's a cold run. Nice job squeezing the run in pre-travel. Have fun in Texas!

  4. omg, what a stinkin' little cutie!! Enjoy the taper so you'll be nice and strong for the marathon.

  5. He is so cute! Glad you had a good trip! 6am is early??!! Haha you are funny! Glad you got the run in!

  6. Great photos Jeri! Thanks for sharing them. Your nephew's a real cutie!
