
Friday, May 14, 2010

On the Road to Cheese Country

Thursday night I had my last run before the MARATHON!!!!  An easy 3 mile jaunt (made not so easy by the INTENSE winds!).  Speaking of intense winds, the weather must read my blog, because the "wind situation"is no longer a situation.  And I'm taking the last few days' weather reports as final.  YOU HEAR ME WEATHER....DON'T. MOVE. A. MUSCLE.  But seriously it's pretty much race day perfection, so you shan't hear another peep out of me about it.


Ok, back to the run.  Easy 3 miles.  Finished in 28:10.  Tried to see if I could do the sweet out and back in the exact same time trick.  Ya, it didn't work.  I don't have super human runner powers like I previously thought.  Laaaaaaame.  13:55 & 14:15.  However, the wind was easily the difference, and I would've "NAILED IT" (<--Said in Barney from HIMYM's voice, obvs.) without wind.  Whatever, who cares, I wasn't even trying.  I just thought it'd be pretty freakin' sweet if I could pull it off twice in a row, back to back (also what in a row means Jeri... I've lost my g.d. mind FYI).

When I was planning my driving route a few days ago, I happened to notice that I was driving through a town that I was fairly certain a bloggy friend lived in.  I had to hit her up and make sure that my stalking memory was serving me correctly and that we should meet up for foooooood.  If you don't already read her blog, well you should, because this is officially JerBear Shares endorsed yo.  Miss Alyssa from Northland Runner.  We both decided to our our first MARATHONS this spring so we've been major cheerleaders to each other along the way.  She did her first two weeks ago and will be doing #2 in a month.  I'll also get to meet her super studly runner roommate whom she mentions frequently on her bloggy, Steph.  I'm hoping if anything their speediness will rub off on me during lunch.  But seriously, marathon #1, bloggy meet up #1.  Could this weekend get any better???

I'm starting my trek now and in 8 hours of driving time will be entering Cheese Country.  Is it tacky to wear my cheesehead the entire 8 hours????

Naw.  Didn't think so. :)


  1. Woo hoo! Have fun on your victory lap! You deserve it.

  2. Now, wearing your cheesehead for the entire marathon is a different story...and I would give you mad props!!

    Don't do that, though...haha. Maybe next time?

  3. Enjoy the drive to Green Bay! And like you, I'm VERY happy with what Mother Nature is giving us this weekend. :)

  4. I REALLY hope you are wearing that cheesehead Right Now. That's the only way to travel (i.e. in styyyyle) ;)

    Fingers crossed that your race day weather stays put!!! 2 days!!! ahhhhhh

  5. Good luck! Can't wait for the race report.

  6. You better wear the cheesehead the entire trip! Good luck!!!!

  7. happy travels... you'll rock on race day! :)

  8. Yeah! Enjoy the marathon! Have a safe trip and good luck!

  9. Good luck! Hope you have a great time at the marathon!

  10. Good luck- I am looking forward to the race report!!! You are going to do fabulous!
