
Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Holy MIA Batman

Sorry loves, I have been teetering on the verge of the non-living the last few days.  Monday mid-way through my morning, I started dry heaving in my trash can in my office.  Uh...not cute.  I high-tailed it out of work, and have spent the last 2 days curled up in the fetal position at home.  I couldn't eat and I couldn't drink.  And I'm 99% certain it was from the torturous death march from Saturday.  I didn't exactly treat my body the best on Saturday with refueling with beers instead of water, and I think it just hit me....HARD.  Luckily today, I feel a wee bit better.  This afternoon at work I started to crave a snickers.  That's sheer proof that I'm almost back to normal, no?  And my urine is almost no longer bright neon yellow.... so there's that.  Overshare?  My bad. ;)

The worst part about being sick and not being able to stomach anything is that I can't run.  In the word's of Snooki:  Waaaah.  I go a bit nutty without my running.  Also, I have a 5k this weekend in my hometown that I would like to do well in, but that would probably necessitate some actual running so we'll see.  I plan to do an easy few miles tonight after the ECLIPSE PREMIER and some speed work tomorrow morning.  Then rest up until Saturday.

My co-worker (Twihard partner in crime) got diagnosed with mono tonight, so I had to coerce another friend to come with me.  What's with my friends not having super sweet vamp/werewolf taste?!?!  Are you all Team Jacob or Team Edward?  I was 100% Team Edward when I read the books, but my gawd how can you not convert to Team Jacob when it's Taylor Lautner?  He has my heart. Fo sho.  Give me the man with a tan anyday.  Mmmmm.

Otherwise the last few days have been spent moping/groaning/catching up on crappy reality TV/Gossip Girl/Dear John (to see my #2 man Channing.....mmmmm)/and eating bananas.  Sadly they were the only thing my stomach could handle.  But I would have to throw away the peel asap because the smell of it would make me nauseous as soon as I was done eating it.  Barf.

This is a random ass post, so my apologies.  Gotta go get gussied up for my dream man! ;)


  1. get better soon!!!!

    Here's hoping you have more than bananas in your future by tomorrow.

  2. Feel better, miss Jeri!

    And goodness, I need to see that movie ASAP. I was die-hard Team Edward, still am really...but you are right...Lautner sure makes me want to be in favor of Team Jacob.

  3. I was and still a die hard Team Jacob fan. Haven't seen the movie yet but reading the books again for the second time and let me tell you, love it just as much as I did the first time I read them. Can't put them down.

    Get to feeling better.

  4. I'm actually racing a mile this weekend and a 5k the end of july!

  5. Go team Edward! Enjoy the movie. I wish I wasn't traveling so I could see it.

    Feel better soon!

  6. Urgh, bummer about the intense sickness. I hope you are on the mend and feeling back to normal soon.

    Enjoy "Twilight"! I'm not on a team because I kind of think the whole thing is bad...

  7. Feel better - nothing more pitiful than a runner who can't.

  8. Hope you're feeling better!

    And regarding "that movie", I'm on Team (Insert Lead Chick's Name Here). She's a cutie, despite being a little "aloof" in real life. Can't say I've seen the movie to comment on her acting skillz....

  9. Ugh I hope you feel better!!

    And I am on Team I Do Not Watch or Read Twighlight!

  10. Hmm. Since you posted this three days ago - I hope your better! Man. I soooo far behind.....
