
Saturday, August 14, 2010

To be 17 again....

Friday night I had the pleasure of seeing one of my favorite bands:  Lifehouse.  They have been in my top 5 favorite bands for the last 9-10 years.  They also sing my all time favorite song:  Everything.  Oh. So. Good.  When I found out they were coming to our fair I freaked!  I got ahold of my partners in crime from high school and convinced them to go to the concert with me too.  One of them cancelled, but Denise and I still had a fabulous time.  The concert was even better because Spill Canvas, a local band that recently made it "big" was opening for Lifehouse.

It was so much fun.  I may have done too much dancing around for having a 12 mile long run 10 short hours later, but you can't win them all, right?  Denise and I were pretty bummed that they didn't play Everything, so we had to BLAST it on the drive home from the concert.  Totally works.  Also, Jason Wade?  Call me.  Still love you.  Mmmm..

I had originally made plans with Joel to meet up to do our long run together (at one point we realized we're running about the same pace and that !!! we should run together....not sure what happened because his training run times he posts on the daily mile are waaaaaay faster than mine...perhaps we should re-evaluate. :p).  Anywho, as I was checking the weather before I went to bed, I realized that it was going to be *gasp* cool in the morning.  And that I could technically sleep in an extra hour and run at 8 if I so choosed.  (Guess who so choosed???  This girl.)

When I crawled out of bed this morning my calves reminded me of my dancing escapades from Friday night.  Sidenote:  Last weekend, I was honestly more sore from dancing up a storm (aka raging) with Alyssa and crew than from running the half.  Clearly we know what muscles I'm working frequently.  Sad face.  I figured I'd take the pace slow, as I had been all week and call it a day.

I did the same 12 mile route from 2 weeks back, and was surprised to see that the trail was clear in parts that hadn't been in the last 2-3 weeks.  I'll have to explore it a bit farther on an easy run sometime this week.  I was sweating up a storm, but it was actually tolerable out.  Humid but cool and breezy.  Lurve.

My pace was pretty consistent until I hit some rolling hills.  I'm a weenie when it comes to hills, which just means I need to make myself do them more.  Blech.  During the last 2 miles I tried to pick up the pace to remind my legs what it feels like to run fast on fatigued legs.

I did 12 miles in 1:56:52 for a pace of 9:45.
1. 9:53
2. 9:41
3. 9:40
4. 9:45
5. 9:34
6. 9:49
7. 10:00
8. 10:07
9. 9: 57
10. 9:53
11. 9:32
12. 9:01

Post run I had to stretch suuuuuper fast, shower up, and head to my bank before going car shopping!!!  Ooooh.....

To Be Continued......


  1. I love them! I saw them when they were relatively unknown and fell in love!!!! My favorite is Sick Cycle Caroseul. Looks like a great time!!!

  2. I love Lifehouse! I have seen them once and it was awesome!

  3. Hills - they make ya stronger, only after they break you down. Tackle them!! ;)

    Car shopping? Won't the princess be jealous?!
