
Thursday, April 28, 2011

Exciting News + Weekly Wishlist

I received some news on Wednesday afternoon that allowed me to cross of one of the most important items from my 101 in 1001 list:  get accepted into master's program!!!!!!! 

Starting in the fall I will be a member of the University of Alabama's 2011 online cohort for my masters in library and information science.  The program is completely online except for a few days late in the summer that I have to head "down souf" for orientation.  I hope to come back to the Dak with a heavy southern accent.  Like Sookie's from True Blood (yes, I do need to get out more if that's my only frame of reference for the south.)  I also hope to not die of heat stroke, as I imagine the temps in mid-August are enough to kill me.

To say that I'm super de duper excited would be an understatement of my life.  No clue how I will be juggling my full time job, part time masters classes, running and some semblance of a social life, but on occasion I seem to think I'm super woman, so we'll see.  Any suggestions are welcome.  I'm guessing marathon training will probably be out of the question, but that's ok as I'd planned to focus on some b.a. fast HM races anyway.  And hopefully a nice little library job will open up in this town of mine.... you hear that Universe!!!  Get cracking!

[If you saw any of the tornado coverage, holy terrifying....... lots of prayers heading down south.]

Switching gears very abruptly: On to my weekly wishlist!

I can't stand carrying a clutch, but this has gotta be the prettiest thing ever, right?  I've been watching too much Say Yes to the Dress so forgive me for my next comment.... it'd be kind of great as your something blue... no?  Ok, moving on....

I've yet to get around to buying a laptop bag for my little MacBook. Primarily because it usually stays at home unless I'm traveling. However, this bag is so stinkin' cute I would consider it. (Clearly still obsessed with yellow...blame the lack of sunshine if you'd like....)

Sidenote: When I was talking to KK about my blog last night, I casually mentioned that when it came to Christmas/Birthday he could easily peruse my blog for gift ideas, and he questioned my intent for these weekly wishlist....

KK:  So do you expect people to see these on your blog and just buy them for you???
JL:  Uh.... what kind of blog do you think I'm running?!?!?

But to clarify, yes KK, if you see these items on my blog and buy them for me, I'll be completely ok with that. :)


  1. Congrats on Grad School - it's tough but super rewarding. Are you going to work full time while attending? If so be prepared to juggle a lot and enjoy all the reading. I am expected to be done with my MPA in Dec. 2013 and can't wait!

  2. Congrats on grad school! I have a very close friend enrolled in that very program right now - if you ever have the desire to ask questions of a current student...let me know!

  3. Congratulations!! I'm in library school right now and I think you'll be fine balancing it all. :) Yay for librarians!

  4. YOU ARE AWESOME. You said you wanted something and you made it happen. Good for you. You're going to be grad student. I'm excited for you.


  5. Congrats on grad school! No advice from me on getting through that ... it took me 6 1/2 years to get my bachelor's and then I went for one class at community college 4 years later and it was too much for me to handle. You win ... roll Tide!

  6. woohoo! congrats on grad school! i just finished an online master's and it wasn't as bad as i was afraid it would be. :)

  7. That's exciting! Grad school is a wonderful world of challenge and in-depth knowledge.

  8. CONGRATS!!!! That is awesome! :)

  9. Congrats on getting into the library science program! So exciting!

  10. Yippeee!!! That is great news! Congrats!

  11. CONGRATS!!! Quite the shift from your Northern lifestyle, but at least you don't have to spend too much time down there ;) What kind of library job would this open up?! It sounds perfect for you, the bookworm!

    Yellow comp bag is awesome; I love yellow bags, but not yellow anything else (its a color very few can pull off).

  12. Congrats on getting into the masters program! That is awesome!

  13. Congratulations! I'm really exciting for you.

  14. Congrats on getting in to the masters program, very exciting! And is it bad that I just want to put that yellow purse over my head? Just so my world will appear sunny . . .
