
Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Challenge Accepted!

Bloggy BFFs, we all have 'em.  You know... the blog friends that you beg to come move across the street from you because you just know that you'd be doodling _________ + Jeri = Best Friend FOREVER on all your notebooks during study hall. 

I have a bunch of em, but one of them is Danielle.  I couldn't even tell you when I started following her blog, but surely over a year or so.  We've even crossed over the "somewhat touchy" realm of IRL friends via Facebook (truly a big deal).  Anywhosits, Danielle and I happen to be roughly the same runner.  Somewhat similar to my running twin Jenn who's currently on the other side of the world (sniffle), our race times are eeirly similar.

<--Purple running tights make you look fast, did you know this?!?!?

Last summer we chased a 22:xx 5k time (which both of us failed at, g.d. it).  We ran half marathons this spring a few weeks apart.  I noted her time as one I'd like to beat.  When I did (just barely), she responded that it was her turn to chase me.  We're both working on a sub 4 marathon finish.  To spice things up a bit, I proposed a challenge.

The challenge:  The runner with the lowest cumulative time for your best 5k+10k+half+marathon times for 2011 wins a prize. 

The stakes:  Bragging rights, mostly.  We've thrown around some ideas (some sweet running gear with a price cap, etc.), but we're willing to take suggestions.  If someone has a super sweet idea, we may even rustle up a prize for your time and brilliance.

The rules:  There really aren't any.  We can run as many races as we want as long as they're within 2011 and we have to use our official results.

Our current PRs
Jeri:  23:55, none, 1:50:57, 4:12:00
Danielle:  23:54, 47:50*, 1:51:23, 4:15:25
*barf that's fast, but I'm hoping for a slightly sub 48 on Saturday if my IT bands feel like showing up!)

I'm willing to bet that this comes down to our marathon times (mine in 2 weeks, hers in 4 months), but I'm pretty excited to see how it plays out.

Clearly shirts should be made:  TEAM Jeri and TEAM Danielle.  Who's team are YOU on?  jk.  :p

Make sure to check out her post on the challenge, because it's way sweeter/wittier/creative-r than mine.  :)


  1. what a fun idea! i think the prize should be the loser pays the winner's race entry fee of choice for a race in 2012!

  2. xoxo... i am in love with the idea of tshirts, btw

  3. It's definitely gonna come down to the marathon time ... you'll be within a few minutes on all the shorter races and there's a real chance to take a big chunk off the marathon time because you both have considerably more speed than your 26.2 times indicate.

    I'm betting on her because I'm going to coach her through her full. But I'm not picking a team ... no way do I want you to send the Angry Runner after me!

    I posted this on her blog, but I think the bet should be the loser travels to the winner's hometown race in 2012.

  4. sam, although an AWESOME idea, i believe we were thinking more along the $25-50 range ;)

  5. oh and yeah, jeri i think i forgot to tell you. sam is my trainer for maine marathon. be afraid, be veerrry afraid.

  6. How cute are YOU guys! I love this. Can't wait to see what happens!

  7. You girls crack me up! I am loving your posts on this challenge! Good luck to you both and may the fastest woman win... but let's be serious, you're both winners in my book. I love me some Danielle after hanging out with her in Boston. One of these days I'll get to hang with you too!

  8. Great idea!

    I will help you set an awesome marathon PR that will be hard to beat. So yes (from your comment on my blog) we should start the race together and keep each other at a respectable pace (not too fast or too slow) and then take off when one of us (probably me) gets way to negative and claims May 21 as the worst day of my life. :)

  9. This is a trip - should be fun to follow.

    One thing the loser should have to do is something to support their favorite team's rival. Bears/Vikings for you, and Yankees for Danielle.

  10. Sounds like a lot of fun!
    Team Jeri!!
    Maybe the loser should have to dress up in some ridiculous outfit (of the winner's choosing) for their next race following the end of the competition.

  11. Very fun idea! Good luck (to you both) :-)

  12. ummmm I would like to call this girl out and go on Springer and bitch-slap her for stealing you. Ok, I'm kidding. Plus I love her purple tights. Damn her. I'd probably like her too. Miss you : (

  13. Aw so fun! Maybe one day I will be a real well rounded runner and can try and challenge your times as well!

  14. haha!! too cute!! :) also... do i have to pick a side? lol ;) jk
    good luck!! :D

  15. I'm not sure I would challenge someone who wears Purple tights - clearly she's got speed under that chic spandex look ;)

    This is awesome. Please make shirts.

  16. um, i think i need to join this challenge, because I think I'm close as well. except not running a full, uulgh. i love this idea!!!

  17. New follower! I found your blog through Danielle's. I have a running bloggy best friend too but I am fortunate to be able to run together on the same side of the world. LOL! I will be keeping up with your challenge against each other!
