
Monday, July 11, 2011

2011 Goal Check In

This post is approximately 11 days late, but whatever.  That just means you're suuuuuuuuuuper sick of everyone else's "half way through the year check in!" posts and will be super psyched for mine, right?  :)

Running and Fitness
  • Break 4 hours in the marathon--A Big fat fail. And given I won't do another in 2011, it will remain a fail.  Le sigh.
  • Run a sub 1:50 half marathon--57 seconds away in April. I think this will be dust in September or October.  The fall o' the half marathon 1:4x's.... :)
  • Run a 5k in 22:xx--I've yet to race a 5k.  However, I know my speedwork isn't anywhere near this right now.  Maybe this fall before the snow?
  • Become a mentally tough runner--It comes and goes.  So far this year I've raced a smart 10k and half marathon.  Granted, I went in to the races not racing, so who knows.  I've yet to learn to not be a whiny little B when running/racing in the heat and humidity... soooooooooo yeah. 
  • Practice yoga more regularly (either alone or at a studio)--More?  Yes.  As much as I'd like?  No.  I do have some groupons for yoga studios that I'll be using shortly.  Yay.
  • Find new running buddies!--Considering there was a week awhile ago that I didn't run solo once, I'd say I'm doing just dandy on this.
  • Stay injury free-- :'(
  • Run 1600 miles for the year--Halway check in is at 634.1.  This mileage goal was assuming I'd do a fall marathon, and be injury free, so it may need a re-assessment.  Maybe 1400?
  • Lift regularly (regularly is a loose term here FYI)--I carry my groceries in once/month.  Aka getting my swoll on.
Personal Goals
  • Get in to a Master's program for Library Science--Yayzies!  Win
  • Join a book club--Check.  I've attended a few different book clubs at the public libraries.
  • Join a Stitch and Bitch group--My work schedule has prohibited me from attending.
  • Continue to find fun crafty ways to utilize my creative side--Nothing yet, but I have some projects stored up for a rainy day.  The winter tends to bring out my crafty side.
  • No more truck driver mouth (no offense to any (?) truck drivers who may read my blog)--Fail.  I might be swearing more now.  Kyle yells at me for it, frequently. 
  • Take more photos (rekindle photo project: Project 52!)--Since my phone takes fairly decent pictures, I have done better with this, and Project 52 is coming along nicely, even if I don't update it FOREVER.
  • Average more scarf sales per month than in 2010--Won't even start marketing them til September.  Who wants to think about cold weather?  Gross.
  • Live and love life--Done.
This weekend I got in a hot and miserable 10 mile long run.  I got chills towards the end of it.... in 85 degree temps and 80% humidity.  So... yeah.... that was fun.  We did manage to go out for ice cream afterwards for "breakfast" so I guess I can handle almost a touch of heat stroke for that.

Oh and I went through 30 oz. of water in that 10 miles.  And still had a monster headache all day.  I love my sweat machine (=body!). :)


  1. I'd say you are doing pretty good! Keep up the great work sweaty sister.

    Also, do blogger blogs have the option to let me comment with just my name and URL?

  2. good work on yo goals girl! no worries about the marathon - that happened to me last year too (except with a half-marathon) and as a result, i became even MORE motivated to get it done the next year. in other words, next year you gonna KILL that marathon!

    and yay for all the other stuff! i should probably recap my goals too. now, i just have to remember what they are...

  3. I think you're doing well this year. All that training in the heat will pay off this fall when the temps are cooler and you naturally go faster. Take care of yourself!

    I also wanted to let you know that the Medtronic TC 10 Mile will have finisher medals this year. Lottery registration opened today. :)

  4. "Any time I throw out the "should I run a fall full?" question, remind me of this week's temps. And last. And the next month (presumably)."

    It would DEFINITELY help you with your mental toughness AND you could cross that sub 4 off your list!

    It's yours if you want it, just gotta reach out and grab it!

    I know you can do it. :)

  5. There will be many a 1:4x on your race list after this fall, and I'm sure by October you can start thinking crafty thoughts and knitting scarves again ;)

    As for the tough thing - run with guys more often. Sounds weird, but you don't want to be the "girl" complaining and they seem to be totally unaware of shitty circumstances. They just keep going...

  6. I think you did pretty darn good! I like the idea of the mid year assessment. I need to do one:) But that would mean I need to set goals first...shoot.
