
Monday, March 26, 2012

Half the Distance, Twice the Fun

It is no secret that I've struggled with my motivation, sanity, and burn out for 26.2 the last few months.  Somewhere along the way I became the queen bee bipolar runner--10 days of glorious unicorns and glitter running, followed by 5-7 days of not wanting to run. Ever. Again.

I tried every trick in the book.  Giving myself some time off.  Focusing on how great the weather was.  Taking pride in breaking highest mileage weeks.  Emailing my favorite running gals for motivation and mutual bragging.

Last Saturday after some St. Patrick's Day celebrating, I decided:  I don't want to run a marathon this spring.  At all.

I have a list of reasons about 6 blog posts long, but I won't bore you with those.  I know it's the right decision.  I've been training for a marathon almost non-stop for the last 2+ years, if that's not a recipe for burn out, I'm not sure what is.

Last Sunday morning I woke up and still wanted to bag it, so I emailed the race director and the switcheroo was made!  When I got my confirmation email back from him, I felt a huge wave of relief.  Ok then, I guess that was the right call.

I spent a good chunk of Saturday night scouring the web for some tough half training programs, and I think I came up with something challenging but not too ZOMG scary, with enough flexibility to fit the rest of my crazy school schedule this semester.  AND since I won't be crippled for 4-6 weeks post-marathon per usual, I can actually race before it gets a trillion degrees out.  Oh how I've missed that!

So marathon #5:  TBD.  Half marathon #14:  Brookings here I come!


  1. half training is what's up. obviously i've only run and trained for 1 full but half training is so fun comparatively methinks.

  2. If you feel right about the decisions then there is no question it is the right decision. I ran only half marathons and shorter in 2011. My longest run was 14 miles. It was great. I had fun. And this year I was ready to tackle 26.2 again. Best of luck with finding what works for you.

  3. Sounds like you made the right/wise call. Just ran my first Half, and there's something to be said for finishing a race without feeling like someone has just beaten your lower body with an axe handle for 4 hours.

  4. good for you. I mean, who says you HAVE to run a marathon? not me.

  5. I think it's a good idea if you're not into it. I want to do a full someday but really like the 1/2 distance. Not that I have anything to compare it to.

  6. Great for you Jeri, I completely understand the burnout. I still think the base you have built is going too give you a speedy half!

  7. Oh, fun! A half marathon. I'm glad the race director allowed you to change races -- that doesn't always happen. Your legs and mind are going to be soooo ready for this distance, since you've been in marathon training mode.

    Good luck, I look forward to hearing about the race. Get it!


  8. Sounds like a great plan. Hope you have a wonderful 1/2!!

  9. Spring is for fun, "shorter" distances, the fall is reserved for the long stuff! That's our (RB + mine) schedule for the year - we both realized, after searching for a Spring marathon for almost two months, that we kept nixing the ones we'd find because we just didn't want to run ANY marathon. None. Take a break.

    Enjoy the sweet relief, and the feeling you'll have when you get to break off after 13 and other people keep going. ;)

  10. Sounds like a good decision to me! Enjoy the new training plan.
