
Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Oiselle Totally Trials Entry

Susan and I stayed up late last night, burning the midnight oil to complete our Oiselle Totally Trials Entry.    And by that, I mean that I zonked out on the couch, 1380 miles away, 10 minutes before Susan finished her amazing editing job to bring you this beauty.  While Susan is a pro at these things, I'm certainly a rookie.  Awkwardly adorable.... can we make that a thing?  :/  Mmmmm ok!

Please visit Susan's page for the full awesomeness.


  1. Hahaha, I watched your vid last night while waiting for ours to upload - LOVED LOVED it. Brilliant to spin off the Kara/Shalane. And also you're super cute in your dorky librarian packers way. :)
