
Wednesday, January 1, 2014

2014 Goals

  • Marathon PR. I'm not going to sign up for another marathon until my current training indicates that a sub-4 will be in my cards. I'm hoping that will be the case late this spring when I'm tentatively planning to register for marathon #7! 
  • Half Marathon PR. This spring I'm shooting for ~3 half marathon races. Since our weather can be incredibly fickle in the spring (and the fall, and the winter, and the summer....) I want to have options as to deciding what my A race is since I know that certain weather conditions destroy me. I have a lot of work to do to make this a reality over the next few months!
  • 10k PR. There's a 10k in May and June that I'm planning on doing. If I'm in speedy shape, I would like to see this 3 year old (OMG) PR fall.
  • Be in L-O-V-E love with running.
  • Run and race with friends.
  • Make some new running friends to add to the group. 
  • Run with speedier, intimidating folks to force me to run harder (Jacqueline, this means I will hopefully finally take you up on your long run offers!)
  • Run a 200 mile month.
  • Hit a 50 mile training week while not in marathon training. (I'd like to try higher mileage training for my spring halfs, as long as my body is up for it!)
  • Run a 60 mile week, either in training or not.
  • Do a month long run streak. This summer before marathon training starts? Next November? December? Hmm...
  • Run more miles than 2013 AND 2012.

  • Stay healthy.
  • Chiro and/or massage BEFORE "when necessary". ie: already broken. Maintenance > Repairing.
  • Do hip stretches and exercises on the reg.
  • Eat healthier. Cook more. Bulk up the delicious recipe stash.
  • Bike another half century.
  • Continue with stuff OTHER THAN running (ie: strength training, fitness videos, yoga, etc.)
  • Do abwork year round, not just in the summer when abs make an appearance.
  • Make 100 pushups/day, every other day, a "thing" not just a one time thing.  (I did this on my birthday as it was on my 101 in 1001 list. It felt pretty good and Kyle did it with me!) Caveat: They were girl pushups, but I'd definitely like to work up to ALL regular pushups. It'll take some work though. My girl Jillian has helped over the past month. I wouldn't have been able to do 100 girl ones without doing the 30 day shred, that's for sure. Captain of the T Rex arms team over here!

  • Read 200 books.
  • Attempt NaNoWriMo again. Spend some time in October doing NaNoWriMoPrep!
  • Pay off a good portion of my grad school loans.
  • Save money for a house down-payment. 
  • Earn a promotion.
  • Take a trip with Kyle, even for the weekend.
  • Adopt a pug brother or sister for Ollie (maybe....Housing sitch dependent).


  1. Those are some fabulous goals for 2014!

    Happy New Year, Jeri!

  2. im just gonna gp ahead and copy/paste this into my blog for tomorrow. well, not the life stuff. youre way more ambitious than I am. and ill let you keep kyle for all the weekends.

  3. These are a very impressive goals, particularly your life goals. I’m pretty sure that your 2014 will be a productive one. You’ll not only be healthy and fit, but you'll also strive to be successful in your career as well. How exciting! Just don’t push yourself too hard, especially when it comes to working out. Make sure you go for a regular checkup with your doctor and chiro, so you know if your body is always in top shape.

    Loura Swader @ U.S HealthWorks
