
Monday, February 10, 2014

To Chop or Not to Chop

.... that is the question.

I've been obsessed with blogger Kendi's new hair cut since she hacked it off, and have multiple screenshots of it saved in my phone.

Three weeks ago I was ready to make the hair appointment and do the hack, and then I had a few random days where I actually did my hair and remembered how much I loooooove my long hair, when I have the time and actually care how it looks.

But still.... I'm considering...

I've chopped my hair 2x, and hated it both times. But also didn't know how to style it, so that probably didn't help....

I'm guessing it won't be a tough decision once I'm no longer using my hair as a second scarf to keep me warm and the hot and humid season is upon us.

And the nice thing is, my hair should be long enough to donate to locks of love, which has always been a goal of mine. So even if I absolutely loathed my hair, at least I would know that it was for a good cause! And my hair grows like a weed, so it'd probably be down to my butt in two months anyway.....


  1. I'm having the same dilemma too! My hair is the longest it's been in years, but I feel the need to chop it to my shoulders. But then I do it all nice and remember how much I love having long hair...except I only do it nice maybe once per month and the rest of the time I hate it and put it up in a bun. ha. (Although I've never been one to do my hair daily, so I'm not necessarily sure that would change if I had shorter hair...ah!)

    I'd love to donate to Locks of Love, but since I've highlighted (bleached for blonde highlights), they can't use the hair due to the process of making the wigs. :( So sad.

    We could be short hair twinsies...ah! Or it would grow back by the time you get here.

  2. I'm having these same thoughts! In 2008 I chopped 12 inches off into an inverted Victoria Beckham bob and haaaated it. Took FOREVER for my hair to grow back and now I'm holding onto it for dear life.

    But when I see photos like that (and @lifeisbananas15 on Insta) I get the urge to chop chop chop. My hair really needs to be cut - or even just trimmed - but I'm super scurred. But then I'm like, well summer is just around the corner and short hair would be nice...

    Basically I'm no help.
