
Monday, May 19, 2014

New Hairz

Last week I trekked up north to get my hair done and to see Megan and baby Otto. Even though I'd just seen them the weekend before. Hey Megan, have a baby and I'll be up e'ery weekend! Also I hadn't gotten my hair colored or trimmed in over 6 months. Uff. That's a long time even for me. I blamed Megan and her ability to color my hair so well that I had zero noticeable growth. Now if she could magically fix my hair so the ends never split, she'd be working herself out of business!

I asked her to take off some length to take it from religious cult long to just regular long. I also wanted some more light pieces on the underneath. I think this part is the key to me not needing my hair redone in 3 weeks, it grows so fast! I hate seeing the blonde all grown out and sad. :( She also gave me a nice deep all over color with a red tinge. So purty.

See ya in a year, Megan. :)

Then I got to meet the other Megan (baby Otto's mama) for a brief catch up, but first I had to wait for her to get done with her chiro appointment, so I finished the second half of my book and dominated a delicious latte (with foam art, I'm a sucker for foam art).

Apparently there are no photos of Megan and I, because Otto was rude and napped the whole time. He didn't even wake up to offer and take a photo. He's lucky he's cute.

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