
Friday, July 25, 2014

Katy Perry

I was flipping through my facebook the other day, when a post popped up from the half I'm running in August. The post stated that all runners signed up by X date had their name put in for two free tickets to a Katy Perry concert, to be announced before the half marathon starts.

Huh? Katy Perry?

I did some looking, and lo and behold, Katy Perry is playing a show in Fargo the night of our half marathon.

I sent a quick text to my running buddy and race partner for the weekend to let her know the OMG news, and she was OMG in.
[Edited to add: Since having written this post, she's now OMG not in, so feel free to let me know if you want to be my Katy Perry concert buddy! I'll have super squishy feet from racing and then standing! I'll let you touch the squishiness!]

So I get to see Katy Perry in concert next month. WAHOO!! I'm already ignoring the fact that the last thing my legs will want to do after a hard half marathon effort is stand for a couple of hours. Totally worth it.

Kyle and I were getting ready for bed later that night, and I had him guess who was going to be performing in Fargo the night of our half marathon, with the clue "pop singer with the best boobs" to which he replied, Katy Perry without skipping a beat. So I guess we're on the same page.


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