
Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Aramco Houston Half Marathon Training Week 2

I started off the week the right way but attending a gentle vinyasa class. It was awesome and the instructor explained all of the poses super in depth, which was great. My left hip flexor has been incredibly tight lately (in all honestly it's probably always tight, but I'm noticing it more with all the yoga I'm doing) so I was pretty happy when it was loosened up after the class. Five minutes in pigeon pose will do that for you.

I went out to run a few quick miles before having to shower and head to work. I ran a 10:00 first mile and then had major stomach problems so I cut the run short and ended up walking it in.

Wednesday I rushed to 605 Running Co. after work to meet up for the weekly group run. It was so dark on the bike trails, and we were guided by the light of the almost full moon, and luckily a dude with a headlamp. I actually got to run with people this week, so it was a little slower due to talking and also the super dark trail.

From there, I rushed to the yoga studio for 60 minutes of restorative yoga. My bliss. 

Saturday I went to power vinyasa and had a blast. A lot of great flows, and a lot of arm balances that I'm not yet prepared for, but love to watch and attempt to absorb some of the technique. I was a puddle of sweat afterward. Wowsers.

Sunday I had big plans to go to yoga sculpt followed by a restorative class, but my stomach had other ideas. I've had a lot of allergy issues with my stomach lately. If anyone knows where my reset button is, feel free to let me know so I can use it!

So I guess these gorg new crops and awesome yoga mat will have to wait for a new day to be played with. Sniffle.

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