
Monday, March 9, 2015

Yoga Teacher Training

As you may have noticed from my spring race plan, my spring is very light on races. This is partly because of my plan to rebuild my mileage slowly while maintaining my yoga classes to keep my strength and flexibility in check (aka I'm sick of being hurt, let's finally figure this crap out, mmk).

But another huge reason that racing is taking a back seat is because I'm starting yoga teacher training this weekend! For seven weeks this spring, I'll be spending my Friday nights, Saturdays and Sundays in the studio being a total yogi sponge. And I'm so freaking excited. (Wait, can Ollie come?!?! I'm going to freakin' miss her!)

I've been doing yoga on and off since 2002, and have been doing it almost daily since the Bemidji Marathon, and I'm just head over heels in love. Yoga puts me in such a happy place, and I'm excited to immerse myself in it more fully. I'm hoping that teacher training furthers my personal practice as well as allowing me to spread my love for yoga to anyone and everyone that's interested. I'd love to do some random free yoga classes in the park this summer, or help my running store offer more free classes for runners.

So that's my exciting spring!!

Sidenote: while trying to make the decision about signing up I kept coming across messages on IG that "spoke" to me. This was one of them.

1 comment:

  1. Hooray! So excited for you! Next time we hang out you can teach me to touch my toes, haha.
