
Thursday, August 20, 2015

Kansas City Birthday Weekend

Kyle turned the big 3-0 last weekend. We had big plans to go fishing (shocker) so when his BFF asked if we'd want to come down to KC, and he'd fly home from his med school rotation from Michigan, we were in. Did I mention Kyle's BFF has a birthday the day before him?!? Yay birthdays!

We hit the road Friday after work. I took a selfie mostly to showcase my awesome Wisconsin brewery shirt. 

We got in fairly late, but the boys always stay up late ish when we arrive, so I opted to get some sleep after a couple of beers. I did make it until close to 1am which is a miracle.

Saturday morning we woke up for a "surprise" activity.

So freaking cool. I got to see and learn so much about the history of the NFL, players, teams, etc.

I couldn't resist shouting "Chuck Wood, SON!"

We went to Joe's for BBQ for lunch. And then we were off to the UNICO micro brew festival. All the beers. All the heat and sun. None of the breeze. Uff.

Birthday boy Ben!

After hours of sampling beers, we grabbed dinner, and I will forever dream of the salmon sliders I had. 

I'm so sweaty and clammy I can't believe he's touching me in this photo.

The crew rallied later than I did, and I set my alarm for midnight to wish Kyle a happy birthday, but I slept through. Oops.

Starbucks and chipotle were necessary for the drive home. As was a Stephen King audiobook.

We were both most excited to see this little loaf of bread. She crawled in, snuggled up, held my hand with her paws and zonked out. She loves going to grandma and grandpa's and bossing around my parents' dog (she takes after her mother, probably).

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