Monday, July 31, 2017

Ice Cream Run

Last spring, Kyle and I bought new house in a new town neighboring the city we've lived in for years. I was just starting to get back into running, and saw runners out all of the time, and wanted to shout out my window, "MY NAME IS JERI PLEASE BE MY FRIEND!" But didn't want anyone getting a restraining order on me.

So instead, I planned an ice cream run to start and end at a delicious ice cream shop in town. There's a super cute walking path surrounding a lake with a fountain. I invited all of the SFWR gals, and emphasized to tag their friends that are runners in my new town! And it was planned, and it was glorious, and over 40 runners and their family members showed up to run, eat ice cream, and socialize.

A few weeks ago we had our 2nd annual event. I had it scheduled for early July in hopes that runners who are starting to train for fall races could socialize and meet new running buddies to train with! I let the store owner know that we were coming (which I failed to do last summer, oops), and I was so excited how many people were planning to come.

And then it was hot. Like really hot. Like, if I hadn't been the one to coordinate the event, I would've bailed and not thought twice about it. I had planned to run 3-4 miles, including 1 there, 1 home, and however far during. I stepped outside and couldn't breathe. I barely left my block before I had to take walk breaks. gulp.

My weather app said the real feel was 102 degrees. Oh mah gawwww.

I mostly walked there with a few jog breaks thrown in. A group of lovely women braved the heat to join me and we ran varying distances.

 I think I managed .63 miles and not a step more. 

And then it was on to the ice cream.

At some point during the ice cream consumption I bailed on the walk/run home and called Kyle to come and get me.

Whoever plans this run next year should pick way nicer weather for it.

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