
Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Garry Bjorklund Half Recovery Week Training

Monday: Rest + foam rolling. I felt like I could run, but I opted for an extra day of rest and a little more foam rolling.

Tuesday: 4.24 miles with Toni. Kept it nice and easy.

Wednesday: I had every intention to run 4 miles with the group run, but it was raining cats and dogs and had been all day, with flash flooding. I opted to chat with runners about their Grandma's experience while foam rolling before yoga class.

Thursday: 5 recovery miles. Toni and I ran 5 miles after work. With less than a half mile left, I stepped weird and felt a yucky sensation up the back of my right knee. It dissipated after a few strides so I finished the run.

Friday: 4 recovery miles. Friday morning Toni and I met up for the coffee run and got in 4 miles. My knee felt okay during the run but after the run during coffee it started to feel really stiff and wonky.

Saturday: I had searched out local running groups to run a long run on Saturday. After driving to Des Moines Friday after our run, and then sitting in the bleachers for 7 hours, my knee was so stiff and felt like I had a ton of pressure under the knee cap. I iced it after the meet, and again after dinner.

Sunday: Still a lot of pressure under my knee cap, so I iced it before the meet. It was starting to feel better, but than I had to drive home. Grumble grumble.

Total miles: 13.38 miles

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