Monday Actual: Sick day from work. All the rest. Great way to kick off a new training cycle! Ha.
Tuesday Planned: Rest
Tuesday Actual: Rest + core work.
Wednesday Planned: GA 4 miles
Wednesday Actual: 4 recovery miles. Since I had been sick, I wanted to take this run easy. Plus Kristin was supposed to have 3 easy miles and I convinced her to do 4, so I made sure we kept them extra easy.
Thursday Planned: GA 6 miles
Thursday Actual: 1 hour POWER a.m. 6 Recovery Miles p.m. My legs felt so heavy for this run. I attempted to push the pace the first couple of miles to shake out the legs and then it became apparent they weren't going to shake out. I opted to slow way down to just enjoy the run.
Friday Planned: Recovery 4 miles with 4x100 strides
Friday Actual: Coffee run 4 miles with 4x100 strides. I had Kristin's company for the first 3 miles and had to tackle the remainder solo. Boring.
Saturday Planned: Long run 12 miles
Saturday Actual: Long run 12 miles. This was not a fun run. Well, I should take that back, the first 4 miles with Chris and Melissa were a lot of fun. They had raced the 10k, so we kept the pace pretty comfy for the most part, and I assumed my crazy high heart rate was just because I was talking so much. The last 8 suckkkked. My heart rate was through the roof and I was running 10:45-11 pace to keep it at the TOP of my long run heart rate zone. To give some context, this summer, in the crazy heat and humidity, my HR would average about 15 bpm less at a faster pace. Clearly my body is still fighting off whatever crap I had earlier this week. Barf.
Sunday Actual: Rest. I had planned to make up Monday's miles on Sunday, but after Sunday's run, and a really high resting heart rate made me opt for the original planned rest day. Lots of hydration and rest to try to feel 100% again.
Total Mileage Planned: 32 miles
Total Mileage Actual: 26.3 miles.
I must've missed that you signed up for the Dallas Marathon - was that always in the plans? Part of me thinks it would be easier to do another marathon so close to another because your mileage is already up there, but then I think about all those long runs and it makes me tired! LOL! Awesome job - keep it up!!!