
Friday, October 5, 2018

Twin Cities Marathon Goals

Throughout training, I had zeroed in on one main goal, to run a marathon under 4 hours. With about a month of training to go I started to PANIC and think about how hard that goal seemed, as we tend to do when we're training for a big scary goal. I really enjoy training and coaching myself, but this is the part of training where I think it'd be really helpful to have a coach talk through the confidence side of things with me.

As it is, I have goals for this Sunday's race. Of course I do!

A Goal: PR. I haven't ran a PR since my first marathon in May 2010. I ran a strong race, fell apart a bit in the final 10k and ran a 4:12. I want to have a new PR so badly.

Sub goal: Sub 4:10. Barring any major disasters, this should happen.

Sub-sub goal: Sub 4:05. I think if I'm having a really great day, a 4:02-4:05 is where I'll land.

I've had dreams all year long of saying, "I ran a 15 minute PR!" so that 3:58 is still in the back of my mind, but I'm also very nervous about going out hard enough to reach that goal that I fall apart and don't hit my ultimate PR goal.

So we'll see what Sunday brings!!


  1. I thought I was the only one who did goals and sub and subsub goals for marathons!!!

    You got this girl. Go kill it .

  2. Rooting for you!!! 3:58 all the way!!!
