
Sunday, October 25, 2009

11 snot filled miles

Sunday I had an 11 mile long run to accomplish.  SOME idiot thought it would be a good idea to go out and celebrate her 5k on Saturday night.  And SOME idiot didn't feel so great all day.  Also, this SAME idiot thought it would be a-ok to do a long run the day after an all out race.  Perhaps that sickness affected my brain, hmmmmm....

After lounging around on the couch, I finally mustered up the energy for the run around 3pm.  As soon as I started out it felt like I was breathing through a straw/an elephant was sitting on my chest.  I'm guessing I felt the same for the 5k the day before, but the adrenaline was pumping so I didn't notice.  Holy poop though.  Ugh.  I also felt like there were bubbles of snot that were blocking off my airwaves, especially during the last half of the run.  I kept hacking and hacking up crap but it never really got any better.

Also it was much warmer out than I had dressed for whoops.  I'm not complaining please don't get me wrong, but I was a pretty sweaty version of myself.  Because of the over indulgence from Saturday night, I was positively parched.  I dried out my handheld at the 5.5 turn around point.  Uh oh.  One slight benefit is that it is MUCH easier running with an empty handheld than a full one.  Who would've thought that was an arm workout?

My last fail for the run is one that I'm beginning to see a trend in (so I'm guessing you readers will be able to pinpoint this one also) CRAPPY FUELING.  What makes me think that I can eat a protein bar for breakfast and pb&j toast for lunch and have it keep me going for 11 miles?  Please see above and then recite it with me, "SOME IDIOT."

Ok, all the poop aside, it really wasn't that horrible of a run, I just didn't feel that "strength" that I feel at the end of the run where I know I can kick it up another notch.  It just wasn't there.  Coincedentelly it wasn't there for the 5k either, so maybe we'll just chalk this run up to the sickness.  Stupid sickness.

I ended up putting in 11 miles in 1:40:52 for a pace of 9:11.
1. 9:19 
2. 9:04 
3. 9:08 
4. 9:06 
5. 9:10 
6. 9:17 
7. 9:14 
8. 9:09 
9. 9:12 
10. 9:05 
11. 9:02

After the run I stretched and took an AWESOME ice bath.  Since SOME IDIOT hadn't stretched at all post-5k, she had really really tight legs.  Shockingly running 11 miles still made them sore.  The ice bath helped 234982349872398x.  I then tried to eat, although pretty unsuccessfully.  It is definitely my goal for the rest of my long runs to consciously take in enough fuel and calories before my runs to make sure that I don't fizzle out at the end.  My poor stomach was a hurting unit most of the night.

To reward myself for completing my run, I enjoyed some retail therapy courtesy of my papa.  Would you like to see what I got?  I thought so.  :)  Have no fear, I will do a winter running gear fashion shoot upon arrival.  I'll even do my hair and everything!  Jk, you know that won't happen.  :)

New pants...on SALE (as far as nike is concerned I guess)

new hat to further the ninja look
new jacket (in green obvi). 
The reviews on the website were pretty swell for crazy cold temps such as those we have here in good ol SoDak.

I'm so stinkin' excited for them to arrive.  Also, I fully understand that since I actually bought them, it will hold off on being bitterly cold again for a while.  Can I let you in on a little secret??  That's okie dokily with me.  :)


  1. I think that "some idiot" will live and learn! We've all fueled terribly or forgot to stretch, etc. But we still make it. :)

    Love the new garb...and I hope it keeps away the cold weather for longer as well!

  2. where did you order those pants from, I WANT!!!!

  3. Ha, I'm with Susan - "Some idiot" recognized a few mistakes and hey, maybe skip those things next time?? ;) it happenssss

    Ah, the green jacket! Looks very warm, nice work! Those pants are cuuuute (I spy a pocket in the back, whoop!). Where did you do this shopping Miss J??

  4. Now "some idiot" learned something about your running, so she's "some enlightened runner"!

  5. I hate when "some idiot" shows up to run instead of my completely O.C.D. routine loving self... :)

    Loving all the new gear!

  6. Very cute running clothes. I was just thinking I needed to score some new diggs for the cold weather too...

  7. Hope your legs are feeling better! Insane to run that long after a 5k! i am sore today too - ran last night then swam this morning. Ok not my best choice! lol

  8. holy macaroni i love your new clothes!!!! i laughed my way all through this post, too. hehehe. hey good for you for GOING on the 11 miles after all of that lead up :)

    and it stinks to have an entire run that doesn't "feel" there,.. but again. you did it. :)

  9. I think that "some idiot" just had a brain fart, nothing wrong with that. live and learn!!!

    love you babe!

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. New running clothes are probably one of my favorite things! :) yay!
    Awesome 11 mile splits! I've made all those mistakes before, just helps you remember for next time!
    Great job winning your age group too!
