Disclaimer: After I realized how ridiculous I looked, I threw on an old school (we're talking summer before senior year of high school 2001) tye dyed green shirt over the top. Fashion crisis averted!

Disclaimer #2: I'm really not this skinny. It is definitely the all black that everyone claims is so "slimming." Because, eew, I look groooooss.
Ok, seriously, the face in picture #2 is amazing. :) Anyway, the run. I did 3 easy miles in brrrr cold weather. I did the 3 miles in 27:57 for a pace of 9:19.
1. 9:29
2. 9:21
3. 9:05
2. 9:21
3. 9:05
Alright, I'm going to go fight some bad guys, or whatever it is that ninjas do.
Nice ninja faces and poses. You're one slim, bad-ass mofo!
LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!! Greatest pics ever!!!!!
hahahhahah LOVE IT!
Nice! Love the ninja pics!
ahhh haha. Loveeee the ninja pics!
You reminded me that I need to go get more long sleeved shirts. Why can't it be warm all year? boo! haha.
love it!! now I"m not the only one posting totally ridiculous pictures
no words. okay words: PICTURE PERFECT. i love it.
I'm not sure what to believe here Jeri - the ninja poses or the "I'm really not this skinny" line...
I need to keep my eyes out for those sales too. Right now I have to rifle through my sons (both of them) dressers to find some warm clothing. Thank goodness I can wear their clothes. Now all I need to do is grow about 3 inches so I can see the tops of their heads....
Fun! Great ninja poses! Bad guys on the streets of South Dakota look out!
I am curious of how you deal with the cold back there. As I mentioned there was temp. threshold living in Kansas I would not even try to endure. I would typically say no to running in anything below 27 degrees. I did go out once when it was 10 degrees once - learned real quick how dumb that was!
Impressive split times.
HA!! the face in pic two is priceless. ;)
Ninjas fight Pirates. Duh.
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