
Thursday, July 8, 2010

June in Review + Half Marathon Training STARTS

Total Miles:   90.5 down from
96.7 last month. There was injury (hips) and sickness (dehydration). I'm guessing it was my body's way of saying it needed a break.

Total Time: 14:18:41 down from

Total Runs: 16 for an average of 
14 for an average of 5.66 miles/run.

Highest weekly mileage: 6/21/2010-6/27/2010:  25.4 miles 4:13:27

Favorite run: 14 mile long run with Jenn post-hip-pain-that-freaked-the-bejesus-out-of-me.  Gotta love a 2+ hour run where you can gab with your friends and slog through the intense mud and giant river/puddles.

Most hardcore run:  My date with the track.  

Favorite Race: Beresford 125th Celebration 5k.  New PR, decent placing.  Remembering the pain of a 5k. :p

Current Jams:  B.O.B. - Airplanes.  Obsessed.

This week I turned dumb.  More specifically, on Tuesday I turned dumb.  I've been craving Olive Garden's fettucini alfredo and finally convinced someone to go with me.  I knew I had a 5 mile run on the schedule, but it's only 5 miles right??  Since I've been feeling particularly starved lately (seriously, I do not feel full ever.  It's reminiscent of marathon training....not cool) I ate.  And ate.  And ate.  And when my belly was saying, "oh hey there!  We're finally at our maximum capacity down here!" I ate some more.  Then an hour later I realized I needed to hit the road to get my run done before the sun went down.  Uff.  So much pain.  I managed to run 1.65 miles before I felt like I was going to enjoy my carbolicious meal for the second time.  I walked about .1 and jogged another quarter of a mile.  Ugh ugh ugh.  Another .1 walk break and then the remaining .9 miles home.  No barfage/spewage/yakfest for JerBear.  But probably the closest I've been since 2001.

The scene:  Junior year of high school, field trip.  One of my guy friends purchased a Dairy Queen ice cream cake (I loooove me some DQ ice cream cake!).  Our friends bet that we couldn't finish the whole thing on the way home from the field trip.  Well of course, we don't back down from a challenge.  Plus you wouldn't even have to bet me to get me to go to work on this delicious dairy monstrosity (notice this was pre-lactose intolerant diagnosis.....oy!).  We made it back to school with some serious ice cream food babies.  And then I had to go to basketball practice.  Where we had to run.  A lot.  For a loss that we had.  Sweet Jesus Mary and Joseph.  I've never barfed from a workout, but that was the closest I've ever come.  Lesson learned.  Until Tuesday apparently.

Wednesday I had some slight redemption by rockin' out a glorious 6 mile jaunt around the bike trails.  I kept the pace slow because I had a long run scheduled for Thursday morning.  I also wore my electric green shirt, which always makes me smile.  I did 6 miles in 57:41 for a pace of 9:37. 

Wednesday marked day 3 of half marathon training and thus far I am 0/3 on scheduled runs. 
Monday:  speedwork 5k race
Tuesday:  5 miles easy 3 miles verge of death
Wednesday:  5 miles easy 6 miles easy (to make up the lost mileage)
Good thing I'm ok with being flexible!


  1. I am with you on the Airplanes song, totally obsessed right now. :)

  2. seriously that song is rockin my world! I listend to it over and over during my half last month

  3. I have a love/hate relationship with the song Airplanes. I hate it, but I jam to it!

  4. i kinda like but kinda hate that song. i have to be in the mood for it...which means i'm wallowing! haha!

    so, my running inspiration, help me come up with a running/training plan for my next 1/2 marathon on the 5th of September. Short notice, but I want to break 2 hrs...eep!

  5. LOVE the song. And hey, some mistakes are worth making twice - meaning I'm sure that pasta was delicious ;)
