
Friday, July 9, 2010

Resolutions Revisited + Long Shweaty Run

Miss Aron always does a great quarterly check in with her resolutions to make sure she's still running along in the right direction (get it? that's a running pun....).  And I wanted to jump on board for the 1/2 way there check in.  So let's see where I am at, shall we?

Running and Fitness Goals
Complete a marathon 5.16.10

Break 1:50 in a HM (current PR 1:53:09) --Didn't even stand a chance during the 1 HM I did this spring. It was a joke.
Run a new race distance 3.16.10 5 mile, 5.16.10 marathon, 10 mile this fall (hopefully), and maybe still a 10k
Run under 23 minutes for a 5k (current PR 23:55)
Break the 4 hour mark in a marathon (we'll see in December!)

Run 1500 miles for the year (at 723.6 1/2 way thru the year. With HM training followed by marathon training, this should work out well)

Stay injury free--We'll give this one 3 stars. I've had some "tweaks" here and there that needed resting, but nothing that sidelined me for more than a few days. Just my body's way of asking me to slow down.

Try a yoga studio Yay! I went to a studio like a big girl.

Operation: Alba Abs (aka do ab work consistently)--It comes in spurts, but I am doing ab work much more consistently. Just making sure I stick with it.

Lift weights at least once in 2010 (sometimes I like to start small, sue me!)--Technically I did Jillian's 30 day shred w/water bottles so we'll count it!
Personal Goals

Find a volunteer opportunity I'm passionate about--Found some.  No implementation yet.
Look into Masters of Library Science program at St. Kate's

Since I'm heading out of town this weekend (and not racing for the first time in....uh....weeks) I had to get my long run in during the week.  I work late on Thursdays, so that seemed like the logical choice.  About a week agoI won a sweet running hat from Kovas*, and was beyond excited to try it out on my long run!  I have what you call "a large forehead" and also a bit of a "sweating problem."  Combine the two, and my sunscreen is long gone 10 minutes in to my run and my forehead does not need freckles to draw more attention to it thankyouverymuch.  I didn't think I looked like too much of a goober (no more than normal anyway).  So it got the cute check of approval from me.

For some reason I thought a bite of a Larabar would be sufficient fuel for an 11 mile run.  Hi my name is Jeri.  I used to be a smart runner, but I seem to have misplaced my mind.  I started out on the run, and was super happy with the weather.  Mid 60s, insanely humid, but bearable because of the low temp and slight breeze.  The run was going great until I started feeling hungry.  I took a GU about 4 miles in (about 1.5 miles sooner than I wanted to) and realized I probably should've brought 2 along with me.  I *was* smart enough (go Jeri!) to bring along my handheld water bottle, and managed to fill it up 2 times along the route to keep myself hydrated.  Jeri: 1 Running:  17.  The last few miles I was simply out.of.gas.  I normally like to kick up the pace the last 2-3 miles, and today it was a struggle just to put one foot in front of the other.  Lesson learned (I feel like I'm saying that a lot lately...). 

At least I'm getting all of the stupid mistakes out of the way early on right?  Positive outlook people...that's what I'm all about here. :p  I did manage to sweat through my entire new hat.  Don't act like you're not impressed.

I did 11 miles in 1:45:50 for a pace of 9:38, which is almost identical to Wednesday night's pace.  Crazy.

1. 9:22

2. 9:35
3. 9:38
4. 9:37
5. 9:39
6. 9:44
7. 9:36
8. 9:29
9. 9:42
10. 9:44
11. 9:44

And after the non-stop weekend racing, and run run running of this week, my legs are more than craving a relaxing Friday and Saturday.  And I think they deserved it.  Phew!
*Speaking of Kovas, check out his CEP compression sock giveaway!!


  1. Doing good on the goals so far! Like the hat. I have to use visors this time of year because my hair is so thick and hot with a hat :) Enjoy the weekend off from racing!

  2. Great effort thus far Jeri! I am thinking your yearly/mileage goal can be beat at this point. Cute Pix. Have a great weekend!

  3. Great job on your goals so far this year!

  4. Woohoo! You've had a great half of 2010. I bet your second half will be awesome too!

  5. Looks like you are well on your way to hitting your 2010 goals. Way to go!

    Cool hat too. I'm bummed I didn't win. But I'm glad you did!

  6. Hi Jeri,
    You are doing so well and I am so impressed with your performance this running season! You have such a great attitude and lovely spirit! Way to get out there in the heat and get your runs in:)

  7. JerBear! I totally lost track of you for a hot minute! Looks like you're doing AMAZINGLY! Good for you! FYI your 11 mile run times really encouraged me. I have a hard time even keeping THOSE times up for longer distances (3 miles I'm fine), but in my 7 mile run Saturday I clocked a HORRIBLE TIME! Thanks for posting an update, I'll revisit my resolutions in the fall again. Happy running! (And I'm training for a marathon)

  8. That PR will be shattered at Urbanland! I can't wait!
    Good work on achieving lots of your goals, I can't even remember mine. haha.
    Love the hat!

  9. Nice job on your goals! Cheers to you for looking at schools! I am looking to attack school again, too. We'll see how it goes :-)

  10. way to go!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Love the goals!! So awesome!!

    Sweet hat!! :)
