
Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Marathon Training Starts + Vlog

It's amazing what I can be convinced to do after two amazing margaritas (no not in that sense, pervs!)  Without further adieu, my first (and possibly last unless someone is supplying the margs) Vlog!
P.S. (Check it out, Princess Leia is in the background if you look closely!!!)

Tonight I had my first run of MARATHON training.  I had an easy 3 miler on the schedule.  I did some monster ghetto foam rolling (=rolling pinning) prior to the run and only had some random IT band pain.  My legs felt insanely fresh.  Fresher than they did on my easy runs prior to the actually half marathon, which makes me wonder just a bit.  The only time they really gave me trouble is on a couple of slight downhill portions were the super heavy painful feeling took place in my quads/IT bands that I had for most of the race on Sunday.  (Uh... oh yea.... race report to come when I'm not semi-under the influence....)

I took my camera on my run with me, and it was a great little jog on the trails.  I did the 3 miles in 27:46 for a pace of 9:16.

Now to sleep off these margs.  Ciao bellas/bellos!


  1. Awww cute! You do have a lovely Midwestern accent. :)

  2. vlog! cool. You sound and look great. You are very calm considering you've had two drinks. I usually get the giggles after having a few, but you held it together. Impressed.

  3. Omg, could you be any cuter? Love the vlog. I vote for it being a weekly thing.

  4. More vlogs = more margaritas. How can that be a bad thing?

  5. People never sound the way I picture them. Thanks for sharing the vlog. Great voice!

  6. i think you sound like a cool surfer chick, which another reason why you need to come to socal. because there are no waves in s. dakota. bahahaha~

  7. I LOVE the Vlog. For some reason you totally sounded like what I thought you would.

    Although, I'm from NW Iowa/Kansas so I guess maybe I think everyone should sound like that?

  8. Well that was a disappointment because I didn't hear any accent at all.


    Was there a midwestern accent? I didn't notice but probs b/c I have one as well. You can hear it in my short A's.

    Regardless - you're super cute!!! :D Keep the Vlogs coming :)

  9. You don't sound like a Minnesooooootan at all! Whenever I think about the Dakota's I always think about the movie Fargo.....
