
Tuesday, September 14, 2010

MARATHON Training: Take 2!

Hello all.  I'm back from the depths of non-posting.  I spent a solid 45 minutes tonight typing out my race report to have it eaten by my computer--hell's bells, I tell ya.  I didn't want to throw another one together all half-assedsy so I shall try again tomorrow.  I may have had a level 9 tantrum when the report went -poof- so be happy I was talked off the ledge.

Tomorrow marks Day 1 of running for my MARATHON training program.  This is assuming my IT bands are happy campers by then.  As I've mentioned a few times before, one of my favorite things in the world to do is create my training programs.  They are a work in progress for a full month before I give them the final okay.  Here is the thing of beauty that I came up with.

After tallying up my mileage on the training program to give myself a mileage goal for the year, I noticed that my mileage for marathon training was 262 miles.  How eerie is that?  Must mean it's perfect-o, right? :)

So I'm signed up for #2.  Sub 4 here I come!

Check out some sweet giveaways (while I painstakingly rewrite my race report....UGH!)
Run to the Finish
Racing with Babes
and another! Racing with Babes


  1. how 'bout you make a training schedule for my first marathon!! you know, since you have nothing else to do!:-)

  2. You added up the total mileage for the entire training plan? You're a dork. I like it! :)

  3. I, too, love designing training plans- for myself or others! It was fun to read yours!

  4. 262 makes it a perfect plan, no doubt!

  5. YAY for Vegas!

    I sooooooooo want to do that one too!

  6. Jeri I hope you found and used a couple of the online coupon codes for the Vegas race. Rock and Roll has a 10.00 one right now till 9/15 and there is another for 15.00 floating around I heard. Sorry, still not doing this one this year. Too much to run streets I know too well.

  7. yay marathon training!!! you are going to do great girl :) its so much fun the second time around.

  8. Very nice!! Super exciting! December is going to be here before we know it!

  9. I'm kind of biased towards mileage, but have you thought of stretching one or two of the long runs to 22? Different people have different thoughts ... the toughest stretch of the marathon physically is when you go beyond 20, so I like going beyond that in training. Ideally, I'd run at least one 24-miler, because you'll spend about the same amount of time on your feet as you will on race day, but people have different theories about whether or not 24 is beneficial, so mine is obviously just an opinion, not scientific fact.

    I like the speedwork ... you're getting a lot of good quality and you can run a very good marathon if you put in the quality miles. And of course, if you stick with the plan as you have it, that 262 is awesome!

  10. You and those number games - that couldn't be more perfect! I've never thought to tally up the whole-plan mileage, obviously now I'm curious ;)

    Vegas, Sub-4 and post-mary fiesta!! Fingers crossed I'll be there too

  11. Yay! This is going to be so much fun!

  12. I wish you well in your training! You might see me in Vegas running with the 3:40 pace group for the first half and then jog-walking the 2nd half. :)

  13. oh and about your lost post... blogger should auto-save as you compose your post. If you haven't already, try this... click on 'New Post' then click on 'Edit Post'. It should have your draft listed there.

  14. nice. I love creating training plans. (I'm a dork too) You're really up there with the miles - 4:00 should be almost automatic, right??

    I'm so jealous that you're going to get to do vegas!! My wife is due that weekend, so I pretty much wasn't able to do it :)

  15. I've been lurking since Green Bay, but had to come out of hiding when you mentioned you're doing Las Vegas. I'll be there too! But I'm opting for the half marathon. Looks like a great plan!
