
Monday, December 13, 2010

Adventures in Vegas

After the race on Sunday we all hobbled back to our hotel room to find the other boys fast asleep in our hotel room.  Jerks.  We decided that post-race drinking was far more important than rest or hygiene, so we threw on our compression socks and headed down to a casino bar.  A drink and a half down and my rage window was quickly slamming shut.  

We got all gussied up (aka de-salted ourselves...ok just me...hello salt block!) and hit up a buffet for our post-marathon meal.  Random note:  This is the first time that I've ever eaten my moneys worth at a buffet.  Shocker.  I know.  I think the full plate of desserts really did it for me.  Mmmm desserts..... 

There was some Kitty Glitter losses by Laura and I, and some major winning by the boys (jerks, AGAIN!) and far too much walking for my brokey hips and knees.  I also spent far too much time finding a dollar bill to get my fortune told by Zoltar and then found some random wedding bubbles in my purse.  Clearly this is an everyday use purse for me..... or not.  What better place to blow bubbles than on the Vegas strip?  There isn't.  

Once Luke revealed that he was trying to make us walk to a club in Canada, we all cried foul (and I literally almost cried because my legs hurt sooooooo baaaaaaaaaaad) and we parked ourselves in some random Harley Davidson bar.  The walk home in the pouring rain (I thought this was a desert G.D. it!!!!) with broken legs was less than awesome.

Monday morning we set out to see the strip before Laura had to head back hooooooome.  Mission A:  Find a giant frozen drink.  Check!
I think this was my one drink before I gave it back to Luke.  Oy kill me sometimes.  We wandered along the strip taking gazillions of pictures.  And I proved that yet again I can't take reflective photos.  Oh well.

I happened upon some old friends.......

And then found the perfect photo location to wish you all a Merry Christmas, and reveal that I'm moving to Colorado!!!

Juuuuuust kiddding....hehe.  Man that was mean. :)

Before long it was time to say goodbye to Laura, and continue on our PRR session.  

Bai friend!
(P.S. I kind of love this picture of us.)

For those of you following along at home for my fun and festive tweets, here's what it looked like behind the scenes.  Yes, at some point I thought it was clever to actually type on my qwerty keyboard using proper typing form.  Once I had perfected it, Luke made me try on his touch screen phone.  Sidenote:  I can't use a touchscreen keyboard normally.  I probably should've tweeted those tweets just for fun.

And then we ended the night with me not winning any money, but WINNING the impromptu PRPRR.  WINNAAAAAAAH.  Better luck next time Luke!


  1. Ok, first of all, I didn't know that place was in Canada. But at least I walked back with you instead of leaving you behind like the other 3 who could run.

    Second, I love all the CO shirt stuff and not only because I took all those pictures. But the moving to Colorado thing was really really mean. Even though you will be eventually :P

    Finally, I'm calling a rematch on our PRR. I didn't have sufficient warning that a race was imminent though that may be attributed to the beer flowing through my veins. Either way, after Fargo, rematch is on!

  2. That outfit is nothing short of amazing, with its varying shades of green. I love it.

  3. lovely ... the other choice is Phoenix ... seems the in-crowd is either in CO or AZ

    BTW how many germ-filled hands pulled on those knobs huh?

  4. Love it!!! It is soooooo awesome that you went to the bar even before you showered. Well played, well played indeed

  5. Looks like an awesome post marathon time in Vegas! Bar before shower??? that's my girl!

  6. Bar before a post-marathon shower? Love it!
