
Tuesday, December 14, 2010

The End of the Vegas Shenanigans

Tuesday was spent 100% Jeri style.  We slept in, threw on our swimming suits, grabbed starbucks, and laid out by the pool.  Heaven.  Give me a drink in my hand (even if it's a hot latte) and some sun on my face and I'll be a happy girl.  I had to laugh at the lifeguards who were wearing parkas and shoes.  The weather was tropical compared to the teen temps back home!

Since it was our last night in Vegas we decided to do it up large, Vegas style.  We spent some time in Paris where I insisted on talking with a French accent (which later segued into a French/Russian hybrid accent).  And decided to go up in the Eiffel Tower (aka Ifeeeeel Towaiiiiiiiiirr).  There is nothing cooler than seeing the strip all lit up at night.  But wait... there is.... getting to see the Bellagio light and water show from up above.  So. Stinkin. Cool.

I was super impressed with the extent of all the Christmas decorations around the casinos.  It was like a different winter wonderland with every different building we stepped in to.  "I just like to meet other humans who share my affinity for elf culture......"

And apparently at one point I thought I was a fish.... so that was cool....

After some more drinks it was finally on to our much anticipated sushi dinner.  Mmmmmmmm.  Luke is demonstrating the proper way to drink wine with chopsticks.  Please take note.  The food was soooooo good. 

And then we were off to Treasure Island for the highlight of the trip (IMO):  The Cirque du Soleil show Mystere!  The show was absolutely amazing.  It was so eerie and out there, and just fabulous.  There were moments that I had to remind myself that I wasn't on any hallucinogenics because everything was just sooooo crazy!
After the show, we randomly met up with one of my best friends who ended up being in Vegas for work.  Extra random is the fact that I went with him on my initial (and only) Vegas adventure in college.  A few short hours later it was time to say goodbye to Vegas.  See ya Sin City.


  1. very jealous about the Cirque du Soleil show ... very.

  2. Awesome weekend overall but I agree, this day was by far the best! Glad I got to experience it all with you :)

  3. So - when are you moving out West? I promise - no shoveling snow. No digging cars out. No ice scrapers...

  4. I hear that Cirque show is pretty cool!

  5. Jealous you got to go to the Cirque show. That's the one thing I didn't do in Vegas - go to a show - that I wish I would have.
