
Thursday, November 3, 2011

Kinvara Stockpile

I pulled my last pair of new Saucony Kinvaras out of my shoe inventory the week before the Fargo HM half.  I stocked up on shoes during some monster Memorial weekend sales.  Without giving it too much thought, I assumed that these shoes would last me until Christmas where I could stockpile some more shoes for holiday sales.  Uh...wrong.  3 weeks later, these poor shoes already have close to 150 on them, and only get about 300-350. 

When the Angriest of Runners tweeted about running warehouse's sale on Kinvaras I was all aboard.  I found the pink shoes I've been coveting, and a yellow and green pair.  Sadly the yellow and green weren't on sale.  Until I added them both to my cart and realized that the sale vs. non-sale were only $5 different!  Come to mama.  Oh and then I managed to find an ADDITIONAL coupon code because I'm a b.a. online shopper. 

The office receptionist called me Tuesday morning to let me know I had a package.  In her message she said, "I'm guessing they're running shoes!"  Apparently I'm predictable.

Such a beautiful sight.
Behold. Their beauty.

And on to important questions:  Which pair do I wear for Philly?!?!?


  1. The obvious question would be have you guys decided on your marathon outfits yet? How else will you choose which shoes to wear? Of course you could take into consideration there is a Packers game and you should wear green and yellow.

  2. i am in love with my kinvara's
    dont blame you for stocking up

    how about one of each??

  3. i actually tried the kinvaras on today to see what the hype was all about... i might be sold. and green, obvs (even though i want you to run slow, i secretly want you to run super speedy!)

  4. Selfishly I say wear the PAAAAAAAAAAANK.

    If I can't be there in Philly, I want to be there in spirit. <3


    if you wear them, i'll wear mine and we can be twinsies.

  6. I vote pink. Because obnoxious is fun.

  7. I vote pink. Because obnoxious is fun.
