
Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Marathon Schedule 2012

I’m a very type A person.  I like to have a plan.  And it always has to be the most efficient and well thought out plan.  So when my spring marathon plans somersaulted last week, I was in a tizzy.  Emails were sent to all running buddies to see what their plans were.  I like to optimize my marathon weekend fun by joining up with runner friends. 
My first plan was Grandma’s.  Kyle has been asking when I’m going to do it (presumably so he can have an excuse to go feeshing in Duluth) and I thought Krista was going to be doing it.  And since it’s so late, I could do a half marathon in May as part of my training…..say… in Brookings!  When Krista confirmed she wasn’t running it, I moved on. 
Lincoln?  Drivable distance for my parents (maybe) and I could probably wrangle Angie to do it.  But meh.  Wasn’t really too excited about it.

So then I landed back on Brookings.  But as the full.  It’s a very small course.  Like 400 for the full and half.  But it’d be cheap.  Just gas to get there and a cheap-o registration fee, and shacking up with Megan.  And the money for Mexican food and margs afterwards, obvs.  And I thought that surely my parents and Kyle could be spectator extraordinaires.  BINGO.
This is how I landed on the decision to do my first marathon in South Dakota.  Might as well be at home when I land my first marathon time that starts with a 3.  J
Naturally after deciding on spring 2012, my mind started to work toward fall 2012.  Since I’ll be doing things el cheap-o this spring, perhaps I could spend some $$ this fall.
Think BIG:  NYC.
I think I’m going to enter the NYC Marathon lottery.  I think I’ve convinced myself that the ideal time for me to run a marathon is in November/December, as it’s typically cooler, and I’m able to train for the majority of it during the fall when it’s cooler.  AKA I don’t drown from my sweat.  Visiting NYC is on my 101 in 1001 days list, and I’m sure I’ll need another Susan fix in a year.  J
If I don’t get in, I think my back up marathon will be Dallas White Rock.  I did the half in 2009, and it was a blast.  Plus I need to go down and visit the family, since I have a new niece arriving in 2 ½ weeks.  I secretly want her to be born at the same time I’m finishing Philly.  Is that too much to ask?  Naaaaaaaaw.
So that’s my plan for the next year.  Who’s joining me???


  1. super exciting plans, i hope you get in NYC!

  2. That sounds like a great marathon plan. I actually like small races because of all the money I save, so I think you are smart with picking a smaller one. You will still have fun. There probably won't be a ton of spectators, but you'll still kick some butt. I will see you in Dallas, if you run White Rock. That'll be the perfect race to get me back in shape, after I have the baby.


  3. New york is the best marathon in the world!!! If you don't get in, you should fundraise. IT's so worth it : )

  4. Come to NYC! Charity entries are a great alternative; that's what I'm doing! (As you well know!)

  5. ill come hunt you down if you go to NYC!!! ps- you would love love love MDI, just sayin ;)

  6. As with all over voters here, I'm obviously ALL FOR the NYC trip - while I've heard the course is actually really tough, I've also heard the race is too fun to care about that ;) Fingers-crossed for a lottery win for you!

  7. If you change your mind about Lincoln, I'll be there doing the half. You could stay w/us in Omaha if you don't mind insane-o twins all up on ya. :o)

  8. I might be considering Philly next year, since this year I will be specatating only. :)
