
Monday, January 6, 2014

2013 in Review: Bookworm Edition

Number of Books Read: 190

Pages Read:  31,311

Adult Books Read:  23

Library School Textbooks Read: 6

Running/Training Books Read: 3

Young Adult Books Read: 39

Children's Books Read: 11

Picture Books Read: 98. This is only including the picture books I read "for fun" on my own time. I can't even imagine how high of a number this would be if I included all of the books I read through when making my storytime selection! Yes, prior to popular belief, you don't get to read while working at the library. Sadsies, I know!

Audiobooks listened to: 13

LOL Moments: Countless

Sob Sessions: Countless

5 Star books read: 52

1 Star books read: 0. I finally came to terms with DNF'ing books that aren't worth finishing. There are too many amazing books in the world to read!

DNF books:  7. Technically these are all on my "pause" bookshelf on goodreads in case I want to pick them back up.

Being the booknerd, statistic loving gal that I am, I adore all the data that goodreads gives you, and comparing previous years. I also love the book cover graphic they give you of everything you've read for the year. Please enjoy. (I'm in no way affiliated with goodreads, nor was I paid money to say that FYI.)

2014 book goal?

200?? TBD.

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