
Friday, January 3, 2014

Best Adult Books Read in 2013

The following are my favorite adult books that I've read in 2013. A lot of them were published in 2013, but not all of them were. The book covers and hyperlinks will take you to amazon where you can purchase the books and I'll get a few pennies for the purchase. Otherwise you can get them from your local library. :)

Best Adult Books

5 stars

The Girl You Left Behind

Where'd You Go, Bernadette

Along Came a Spider

4 stars

Honeymoon in Paris

The Cuckoo's Calling


Me Before You

Hansons Marathon Method: A Renegade Path to Your Fastest Marathon

The Best of Us

When She Woke

Chi Marathon: The Breakthrough Natural Running Program for a Pain-Free Half Marathon and Marathon

Mr. Penumbra's 24-Hour Bookstore

The Time Keeper

What adult books did I miss this year, so I can add them to my monster to be read pile????

1 comment:

  1. The best books I read this year: We Are All Completely Beside Ourselves, Brain on Fire, The End of Your Life Book Club, Comfort Me With Apples, The Source of All Things (if you liked Wild you will really like this. If you haven't read Wild...READ IT NOW!), Let's Pretend This Never Happened, The Perfect Mile, Let's Take The Long Way Home. Also, you should definitely read This is Where I Leave You. Hilariously poignant. I think you'd like it if you liked Where'd You Go Bernadette.
