
Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Fall Photo Shoot

Monday I was dreading going for a run.  My legs were sore from racing then long runnin'.  But it was sooooo beautiful out.  I convinced myself that I should take my camera since it was just an easy paced run.  Then I had an even better idea.  Take out Miss Polly Sunshine, because who knows when the last bike rideable day is, right?  I went 9 miles in an undetermined amount of time.  I kept stopping and starting my garmin when I was stopping to take pictures, but at one point forgot to restart it and never started it again.  Oh well.

I love the colors of fall, I love fallen leaves, I love bridges, and I love Miss Polly, so they are my inspirations and subjects of the shoot.

This is my favorite of the group, and sadly it was taken while I was actually biking.  This is right before my favorite part of the trail.
I love the windiness of the trail, so I tried to capture that here.
Also, there are hundreds of pine trees planted in rows here, so every time I run through it, it smells like Christmas, and I love it even more.
A zoomed out version of the windy trail.
I love this bridge, but I've never actually run across it, it's off to the right of my regular route.  I think it's just a bridge to get access from the main roads to the trails actually.
Polly is just chilling while I attempt to be a photog.
I may complain about our bitterly cold/miserable weather, but it doesn't get much more beautiful than fall.
Love the crunchy fallen leaves.
Coming back over the bridge.
Peek a boo.
I thought these were beautiful with the bright orange tree peeking out in the background.
The sun is setting behind the river.  (P.S.  It's getting COLD and I'm still 4.5 miles from home.  WHOOPS!)
My second favorite shot of the bunch.  This is my favorite bridge on my route.  And I love how the sun is still just barely peeking out before setting for good.
The super calm river from the bridge.  It was mondo windy so I don't understand how it was so crazy still.
Got to have the reflection shot, no?
I was going for something more artistic here.  It didn't work that way, but I love how bright she is next to the dark colors of the bridge and river.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

11 snot filled miles

Sunday I had an 11 mile long run to accomplish.  SOME idiot thought it would be a good idea to go out and celebrate her 5k on Saturday night.  And SOME idiot didn't feel so great all day.  Also, this SAME idiot thought it would be a-ok to do a long run the day after an all out race.  Perhaps that sickness affected my brain, hmmmmm....

After lounging around on the couch, I finally mustered up the energy for the run around 3pm.  As soon as I started out it felt like I was breathing through a straw/an elephant was sitting on my chest.  I'm guessing I felt the same for the 5k the day before, but the adrenaline was pumping so I didn't notice.  Holy poop though.  Ugh.  I also felt like there were bubbles of snot that were blocking off my airwaves, especially during the last half of the run.  I kept hacking and hacking up crap but it never really got any better.

Also it was much warmer out than I had dressed for whoops.  I'm not complaining please don't get me wrong, but I was a pretty sweaty version of myself.  Because of the over indulgence from Saturday night, I was positively parched.  I dried out my handheld at the 5.5 turn around point.  Uh oh.  One slight benefit is that it is MUCH easier running with an empty handheld than a full one.  Who would've thought that was an arm workout?

My last fail for the run is one that I'm beginning to see a trend in (so I'm guessing you readers will be able to pinpoint this one also) CRAPPY FUELING.  What makes me think that I can eat a protein bar for breakfast and pb&j toast for lunch and have it keep me going for 11 miles?  Please see above and then recite it with me, "SOME IDIOT."

Ok, all the poop aside, it really wasn't that horrible of a run, I just didn't feel that "strength" that I feel at the end of the run where I know I can kick it up another notch.  It just wasn't there.  Coincedentelly it wasn't there for the 5k either, so maybe we'll just chalk this run up to the sickness.  Stupid sickness.

I ended up putting in 11 miles in 1:40:52 for a pace of 9:11.
1. 9:19 
2. 9:04 
3. 9:08 
4. 9:06 
5. 9:10 
6. 9:17 
7. 9:14 
8. 9:09 
9. 9:12 
10. 9:05 
11. 9:02

After the run I stretched and took an AWESOME ice bath.  Since SOME IDIOT hadn't stretched at all post-5k, she had really really tight legs.  Shockingly running 11 miles still made them sore.  The ice bath helped 234982349872398x.  I then tried to eat, although pretty unsuccessfully.  It is definitely my goal for the rest of my long runs to consciously take in enough fuel and calories before my runs to make sure that I don't fizzle out at the end.  My poor stomach was a hurting unit most of the night.

To reward myself for completing my run, I enjoyed some retail therapy courtesy of my papa.  Would you like to see what I got?  I thought so.  :)  Have no fear, I will do a winter running gear fashion shoot upon arrival.  I'll even do my hair and everything!  Jk, you know that won't happen.  :)

New pants...on SALE (as far as nike is concerned I guess)

new hat to further the ninja look
new jacket (in green obvi). 
The reviews on the website were pretty swell for crazy cold temps such as those we have here in good ol SoDak.

I'm so stinkin' excited for them to arrive.  Also, I fully understand that since I actually bought them, it will hold off on being bitterly cold again for a while.  Can I let you in on a little secret??  That's okie dokily with me.  :)

USF Community 5k Race Report

I had been sick all week, staying home from work Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, but was determined to run the 5k on Saturday because I figured it would be the last of the season (unless I wanted to run with a snow s
hovel, that is). Friday night, I went out with one of my favorite people (and founder of Team Green) Melissa, for some italian style pizzas.  As always, when eating pizza, I was craving beer, so I decided to have a delicious Fat Tire also.  Carb up, right?  :) After dinner, I still had a bottomless pit for a stomach, so we decided to go to a fancy restaurant for some dessert.  We split a delicious tiramisu and a creme brulee.  YUM.  The dessert may or may not have been accompanied by Fat Tire #2.  And then it was off to bed, but not before laying out my race clothes (reminding me to charge my Garmin, that would've SUCKED!).

I woke up bright and early Saturday morning to eat some
 breakfast and check the weather report trying to decide what to wear.  When I got to the race, I saw my parents pull in right before me.  They are VERY punctual people.  I decided to wear my fleece because it was pretty darn cold out.  When I looked at the race route I realized it was some ridiculous criss crossing double loop style route.  I was already annoyed and hadn't even started running yet.  :p  My dad came to collect my layer of warmth right before the race started and my mom snapped a shot.  It looks like we're talking race strategy....

Dad:  Here's what you get out fast, pick up some speed in the middle, and finish with a STRONG KICK!

My dad was a sprinter back in the day too, so he's as clueless about distance/endurance racing as I am.  :)

We started the race on the track running a lap and a half.  I lined up on the inside, and stuck there the whole time.  I'm not running farther than 3.1!!  I got out to a pretty quick start, and from the beginning I was the 5th girl and around 10th overall.  The two gals that are in the left of this photo ended up winning the race taking 1st and 2nd overall.  They are a mother daughter duo (ya, I googled them post race).  The mom is 52 and still has Drake Relay records, that her daughter, 16, is trying to catch.  CRAZINESS.  (Sorry for the underline, my Mac won't let me un-underline....grr)

I really enjoyed running on the track, but the runners thinned out asap.  It did allow my madre to snap a bunch of pics though.  Score.  :)

This silly girl thought she could pass me.  Yes go ahead.... and do it while you're on the curve too, might as well run a little out of your way for your effort.  She decided not to....heehe.

After we left the track it thinned out BIG time.  It was a super confusing course through muddy/pot hole ridden parking lots of a football stadium.  Not impressed.  You didn't run more than 4 strides without making an awkward turn.

There were football players standing at every turn pointing which direction we were supposed to go in, oh hey!  another mud puddle, sweet race route.  Grr.

One point for the course was that my mom could stand in one spot and see me 12389237492837 times.  Also, my dad could sit in the truck staying warm (because the route was IN A PARKING LOT) and cheer me on.

About halfway through I realized that a PR was out of the question for the day, and set my sights on coming in under 25 minutes.  My ab started hurting pretty bad, but I was able to do some weird breathing pattern to lessen the pain.  I hope I can remember what that was.  That would be convenient.

This is the one and only person to pass me during the race.  I think being in such a small race field (and not being able to see ANYONE, other than the person directly in front of me) really made me not push as hard as I usually do.  I'm such a competitive person, and that usually pulls me through in a race, because I'm constantly trying to catch people.  I knew the girl in front of me was running exactly the same pace as me, and was too far in front to catch given how much of the race was left, so I just settled in at my pace instead of pushing it.  Crappy.

I actually heard my mom yell out after she took this pictures, "Oh my gosh, that was a good picture!"  After the race, she said she liked it because you could really see how I was gritting my teeth., close ups of my face are not really what I'm going for in race pictures.  I would much prefer you snap shots that are full body and make me look FAST!  :)

The crappy part of the double loop race, I totally lapped this guy.  :(

And the we finished with another couple laps on the track.  Somehow my usual kick never showed up.  My lungs hurt BAD, and I suppose being sick all week probably played a role in that.

My mom always seems to get a good shot of my butt during races.  :p

Here I am just shy of the finish line (I think....)

I finished in 24:41 for a pace of 7:58.  It was my 3rd fastest 5k time.  I was bummed because I had really wanted to PR one final time for the 2009 running season.  With all the factors of the day, being sick, cold cold weather, and crappy running route, I'm actually pretty proud of my time.  And this is the ONLY race I've run in 2009 that hasn't been a PR, so I should be really proud of all those that I've had throughout the year.

My splits for the race:
1.  7:52
2.  8:06
3.  8:08 (uh...ya not the usual Jeri finish)
.1  :34 (7:05 pace)

I came in 5th overall for women and 13th overall.  I'm not sure how I did for my age group, because I forgot to check that info after the race yesterday.  I know that 2 of the girls in front of me (mentioned above) weren't in my AG, and the 2 others were either in their 20's or early 30's.  So I'm anywhere from 1st to 3rd in my AG.

I pulled up my race results from the only other race I've done in similar conditions (actually it was warmer for this race back in March) and I totally beat THAT time by over a full minute, so that's totally a success in my book.  

After the race, while walking to my car, Melissa and I found a dumpster that was FULL of old cheer and dance trophies.  Of course I had to take some pictures to make it look like I won sweet trophies from the race.  Please enjoy.  

Thursday, October 22, 2009

I Love My Parents

I was chit chatting with my parents on the phone tonight giving them the details about the race on Saturday (yes, I'm going to do it because I feel pretty a-ok right now, and yes they're driving 45 minutes to watch me run for less than 24 minutes....fingers crossed anyway....and then driving back home another 45 minutes because they are SUPERFANS!).  

My mom asked if I had started to buy my cold weather running clothes yet or if I was still waiting.  I told her I had been looking but don't have the $$ to get them with this month's paycheck (yes, I get paid once a month, and yes it sucks...good thing I'm a credit counselor and can budget my money to a T).  She asked how much I was planning on spending, and I estimated $200.  She was shocked that I was going to spend that much but offered to give me an advanced birthday present to help out with some of the funding.  Then in the background, I hear my dad say, "Go ahead and get what you want and tell me how much it is.  I'll give you a 'You're a great daughter and I love you present.'"  To which I laughed off.  Until my mom mentioned later in the convo that I should take dad up on the offer.  Apparently he wasn't kidding.  SCORE!

I'll give you two guesses as to what I'll be doing as soon as I publish this post.

If you answered:   
Any other suggestions, get them in asap.  This girl's got a winter weather wardrobe (3 points for alliteration, hey yo!) to purchase.  :)

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

6 miles out of a movie + Coach + The Sickness

Monday I had 6 easy miles on the schedule.  The weather was gorg, and I had my iPod loaded up with some slow tunes to help with the slow pace.  I uploaded Regina Spektor's new CD Far, and also Ingrid Michaelson's newest Everybody.  It was literally the most beautiful run I can remember.  There's something about listening to slow, meaningful music which provides the perfect soundtrack to the fall colored leaves that randomly fall off the trees while you're running down the trail.  I literally think I smiled the entire 6 mile run.

Highlights of the run:
  • I saw a dude with rollerblades and those big stick things to make it look like he was XC skiing on the trail.  I saw him twice.  His sticks were so long (twss) that he almost pushed me off the trail.  Jeepers.
  • I also saw a dude in full on bright orange gear.  We're talking head to toe overalls/coveralls depending on where you're from.  I mean, I know we're in pheasant hunting season and all, but I'm not super concerned about being shot WHILE IN TOWN.  Perhaps I should be?  I dunno.
I did 6 miles in 57:09 for a pace of 9:32.
1. 9:26 
2. 9:25 
3. 9:29 
4. 9:39 
5. 9:40 
6. 9:27 

It's actually pretty humorous, because I was running INTO the wind for the first 3 miles, and WITH it for the last 3.  You'd think it'd be the other way around.  I realized that it's hard for me to run easy/relaxed into the wind because of my training as a sprinter.  We were taught how to work against the wind, and apparently I do that without thinking, even when running 6 miles instead of a 100 m. dash.  :p

I got a super exciting email from one of my BFFFs over the weekend.  This is the chica that got me on to running.  She decided she wanted to challenge herself to try a half marathon, and saw me running all the time and thought I should do it too.  I found some training programs, and totally thought they were doable, and our friendship was formed.  :)
[Dang totally thought I had a pic of us post-race to include in this post...turns out I can't find it.  Le sigh.  This one was pre-going out to Holocene in Portland when I went to visit her summer 08.]

Subject:  Why not?
Because I know you love this kind of thing... I need you to make me a half marathon race schedule. Ridiculously short amount of time. The Angkor Wat Half Marathon Run is December 6th.   :D

Um ya, did I mention she's in Cambodia right now!??!  So of course I got super excited and came up with a training program for her.  Plus now we're training for HMs that are a week apart.  WHOO!!  I told her she has to refer to me as Coach from now on, but other than that, a training program was created.  :)

I probably should've known based on all the snot rockets blown/loogies coughed up in recent runs, that I have "the sickness."  I went home from work Tuesday at about 10am and today, Thursday is day 3 of being home.  Not only does it suck to be sick, but I had planned on doing a 5k on Saturday.  I had a great impromptu training schedule created for this week, and no where in there does it say, "Eat a ridiculous amount of food (ya, apparently my appetite is out of control.  I still blame this weekend's starve-fest.), drink a gallon of OJ, sit on the couch, watch all the runners run by your place."

I do feel a LOT better today but just staying home so I can hack up the last of the phlegm in the privacy of my own home, instead of in front of clients, or on the phone with clients.  I'm classy like that.  I do still plan on running the 5k on Saturday :s unless my sickness takes a few steps backwards.  Fingers crossed that they don't, please?

Being home has its perks.  I got to watch Away We Go, which has Jim Halpert from The Office in it, and Maya Rudolph from SNL.  It was sooooo good.  I will probably have to buy it actually (I rarely buy movies).  I also watched Monsters vs. Aliens which was also really really good.  :)  I've been on a music searching spree also.  I may have a new music post in the works for the near future.  :)

Good luck to ChasRunner who's going to kick butt in her marathon this weekend.  Kill it Girl!

P.S.  Thanks for all your super sweet comments on the wedding pics.  Apparently the crazy red wasn't quite so bad.  I still think it'll be the first and last time my lips see it.  :)

Monday, October 19, 2009

Wedding + A Speedy 6

Saturday morning came bright and early.  We had to be at the bride's parents' house at 8:30am so it was an early morning.  The bride had 2 hair stylists at her place and a make up artist.  There was a spread of bagels (my favorite as you may have come to know by now :p) and fruits, including chocolate dipped strawberries.  YUM!!

Once we were all done up I realized how ridiculous Amanda and I looked in our track workout gear, full on make up and hair.  We decided to photograph the moment to let you know what we'd look like as beauty queen runners.  New look for the Dallas White Rock HM?  Perhaps... 

The bride decided she wanted a bright red lip on the bridesmaids, so don't think I'm crazy with the make up.  It didn't look...bad... just not my first choice.  Considering this is the first time I've actually WORN lipstick, it was a bit odd to do a bright red lip.  I'm more of a chapstick or lip gloss kind of gal.  A shot of the best man and I before pictures.

After we were done taking photos there were 9,000 family pics to be taken, so Amanda and I decided to have our own photo shoot.  :)  Here you can see the intense/crazy make up.  How pretty are the flowers?!?

So obviously I don't have any pictures of the actual wedding, but it was beautiful.  I cried probably 6-7 times.  I've lived with Mel (the bride) almost the entire time she's been dating Barry (the groom) and we've had many nights watching the Office and talking as a 4 some (including Taylor).  Just knowing how madly in love they are with each other made me soooo excited that they finally decided on forever with each other.  Hopeless romantic?  You bet.  :)

Ok, so first crappy thing about the day:  the food.  I should've been more prepared, but I wasn't.  The food for us pre-ceremony was fruit, veggies, and wraps.  I ate as much fruit and veggies as my stomach would allow, but I was still super hungry.  After the ceremony, we got on a party bus and stopped at some bars for 2 hours before the actual reception.  In hindsight, this was a bad idea.  Hah.  Turns out champagne goes STRAIGHT to your head when there's nothing in your belly.  :)

Amanda and I wanted to take our usual embracing pose but both of our hands were freezing.  While I was trying to warm up my hands between my legs, Lacey snapped this photo.  I think it's pretty hilarious.

The beautiful bride and I.  I'm not sure how many times I told her, "You're sooooooo pretty."  Because she truly was.  I want to get hitched just so I can look gorgeous.  :p

Me, Lacey, and Amanda at the first bar.  It's humorous that Lacey is the only one with a drink in her hand because she RARELY drinks when we all go out.  :)

My walking down the aisle partner, Kyle, and I posing on the bus.  There was a hawaiian theme, hence the leis and hula girl.

Amanda and I on the bus on the way to the reception.  I think it's cool that everything in the background is blurry.  :)
Old cheerleading pals (that's actually how I met Mel, we cheered for our colleges football team our sophomore and junior years together).  Jenn, Mel, & I.  Mel used to lift me in the air, and Jenn used to be my back spotter.

Ok, so rant #2 for the day (and again probably my fault) when we finally got to the reception, I thought, "Great!  Now I can get some food in my belly to soak up some boooooze."  Nope, it was appetizers instead of a sit down meal, and almost everything was meat.  :(  I had some more fruit, crackers and cheese.  Definitely NOT sufficient.  Oh well, it was a good time nonetheless.  I definitely shed some more tears during the speeches and thank yous at the reception and even more during the slideshow.  I'm just sentimental, what can I say?  :)

The dance was a blast (minus the part where I was in the bathroom trying to make the world stop spinning :p).  

And of course Taylor and I on the way home from the dance to the bar.  I managed to lose my camera (yes my NEW camera, again blame the lack of food) for a good 4 hours at the wedding, so that explains the lack of pictures.

As soon as I got home from the bar, I made a cheese pizza, and inhaled half of it.  This probably helped me to not be super sick on Sunday.  Thank God.  Sunday I woke up super early (6:30am) and couldn't sleep.  My stomach was pretty upset, but I think it was just frickin' hungry still.

I realized that my car was still at the church down town and I had no way of getting there.  I pulled up mapquest and realized it was about 5 miles to the church from my place and I had 6 miles to do on my training schedule.  PERFECT.  :)

At about 6pm (I still had to let my stomach settle) I set out for my run, thinking that the sun set at 7pm, giving me plenty of time.  Just kidding.  Did you know it sets closer to 6:30 now?  Me neither.  Do now.  It was fun because I got to run by my old college campus, thus running by some old running routes.  I did forget about the ghetto area in town and had a car of guys drive at my running speed for a couple of blocks telling me how fabulous my booty was (but in different words).  Mental note:  spandex capris are probably not the best in this area.  OH!  I forgot to mention, the weather was AMAZING.  It was 57 when I started running.  Oh beautiful fall weather.  :)

I did 6 miles with 4 of them at a tempo pace of 8:23.  The route was pretty hilly so my tempo miles were all over the place.  Eesh, oh well.  It was a fun run.  And I always love running errands.  :)

6 miles in 52:15 for a pace of 8:43.

1. 9:15 
2. 8:17 
3. 8:30 
4. 8:33 
5. 8:11 
6. 9:35

The tempo miles averaged out to really off, but spot on technically.  :)

Also, is there anything better than driving in your car with the windows down post-run?  It's soooooo nice.  

Friday, October 16, 2009

Long Run in the 40's? No prob.

Since I worked last Monday (one of our paid holidays off, yet some people have to be in the office, I know, LAME!) I got to have Friday off.  Which worked out perfectly for wedding festivities.  I knew I'd be in no condition to run Sunday morning, and wouldn't have time to do my long run Saturday morning before getting my hair and make up did, I decided to get up early and do it on Friday before the bridesmaid brunch.

When I started the run it was 41 degrees with some winds.  I wised up this time and remembered to bring my handheld water bottle since the fountains are shut off.  I was actually pretty happy about the temp.  I've learned quickly that 40's are good.  30's and 20's...not so much.  :)  I wore running tights under my light yoga pants, an under armour shirt, a long sleeve t, and a fleece with my gloves.  It was actually pretty perfect.  The only times I was too cold was after stopping to stretch.

It took me a while to get going on the run, but after the first couple of miles, my legs decided to just go.  :)  It was nice to do a speedy long run for a change (I've been taking them pretty easy since the half since I was mainly focusing on the 5k that never was).  

I did 10 miles in 1:28:47 for a pace of 8:53.  I was super excited with a mile to go to see my fabulous tri-buddy EO on the trails.  It's always nice to see a friendly face.  :)

1. 9:17 
2. 9:13 
3. 9:06 
4. 8:57 
5. 9:05 
6. 8:54 
7. 8:47 
8. 8:48 
9. 8:31 
10. 8:06 

The only drawback to the run was that I had to pee from mile 2 to mile 10.  Go figure.  Good to know my bladder is that strong.  Hah.

I got home and had the most brutal ice bath of my life.  Seriously.  My body temp had to be pretty low post run just from being outside and sweating, but I was seriously struggling in the tub.  Luckily the ice melted fast and that was my cue to get out of there.  Phew.

I had to quick get ready and beautified for the bridesmaid brunch.  It was at a big wig doc's in town and the house was gorgeous.  The house across the street was literally my dream house.  I did encounter my with being a vegetarian.  The host served some delicious fruit, a salad, and a egg based quiche, with, you guessed it, ham & bacon.  I felt like such a poop just playing with my food and not actually eating any of it.  Oh well, I should've known.....this incident is what I like to call "foreshadowing" for the weekend's events.  :)

After the brunch I decided to go out and buy a camera.  The camera I was using (that broke RIP camera) was Taylor's old camera that I got as a parting gift :p in the breakup.  It's really kind of a crappy camera (no offense if you're reading this Tay) but did what I needed it to do for my limited photos.  I was basically waiting for it to crap out to buy a new one.  And a new one I did.  :)  I actually hate purple (despise...loathe even) but it was on sale, and I won't have to worry about getting it mixed up with other cameras.

While I was at Target I did notice some cold weather running jackets with wind resistant material, an inner warming layer, and water resistant shell for $40.  I'm kind of thinking about getting it.  I'm sure it's not as nice as the $$$ ones, but I'm going to end up layering and layering like a fool anyway, so it'd be nice to save a little cash.  Especially since I just made an impromptu camera purchase.  :)

Friday night was time for the rehearsal and rehearsal dinner.  The rehearsal was super fast, and the dinner was at one of the nicest restaurants in town.  I definitely teared up a bit during the speeches (again foreshadowing for the whole weekend).  The bride is second from the right.  We've all roomed with the bride at some point in some mix matched fashion.  We also got some cuuuuuuute Coach purses for our bridal party gift.  Um...yes please.  :)