Well Since Christmas is upon us (meaning ever so close to my birthday as well!) I figured It was time to send off my Christmas wish list to Santa. In no particular order, I would love if Santa would stuff the following in my stocking, or wrap up and put under my tree.
A Greg Jennings jersey. Love. Him. Preferably a much smaller size than the one shown here. YIKES! Youth L, because that's how I roll. Also, because they don't make his jersey in women's....LAME. Ahem. Moving on...
The Office Season 5. I've been requesting and/or buying these seasons for Christmas since 2006 and don't plan on quitting anytime soon. Rest assured that if this one isn't in my stocking, I will be picking it up for my birthday shopping on the 26th.
Mmmmm.....this is what heaven smells like. I would like to smell heavenly as well. My best friend Sheana gave me a small free sample of this. I used it up. She gave me another. It's got a few droplets of scent remaining. I should probably just have the big kahuna, no?

I usually don't buy movies unless I know I'm going to watch then 2458974502934203 times. This movie would definitely fall under that category.

She's b.e.a.u.t.i.f.u.l. And she'd be even more beautiful lovingly wrapped around my neck. I would also be tickled about a bright blue or charcoal grey one.

One of my favorite wines, and coincidentally, one of my favorite wine bottle labels. I would love to have this poster framed for my kitchen. I think a kitchen with midnight blues and random orange pops of color would be cute cute cute.

And just so you don't think I forgot about RUNNER JERI (do not fret, I haven't) here are some more gems. Nike tempo track shorts (since I still don't own every.single.color.known.to.man (but am close). I would literally take these in just about any color as long as it's not a repeat of what I currently own. I would especially love a red pair, a bright pink pair, and these sexy yellow ones.
It's not quite the long sleeved twin to my green tank top I love so dearly (and covet from Heather at Trials of Training !) But it's the closest I could find. For the record, I would take either or both.

I swear I just got new running shoes, but before you know it, these puppies will be on their last leg. Might as well have the pretty pink version waiting patiently in the closet.
And finally some race fees. As of right now I only have 2 for sure races on the scene for 2010. I would love to get some entry fees to free up some cashola for me, especially because I'll be traveling to my first full marathon in Green Bay, WI. GO PACK GO! And that will cost be a smidge of $$$ I'm sure.
I'll also either being doing the Sioux Falls Half Marathon for the 6th consecutive year, or possibly (depending how May's marathon attempt goes) sign up for the inaugural Sioux Falls Marathon. Either way, a race fee would be nice. ;)

Thanks Santa. I appreciate the consideration. In addition to these sweet gifts, I would love for the snow and wind to chill out so I can spend the holidays with my family, and if that doesn't work, I wouldn't mind if you squeezed a certain someone into my stocking to be snowed in along side of me. ;)
Happy soon to be golden birthday!
HAHA I have that exact bike bell, and let me telllll you, it is hilarious to ring at people! MERRY XMAS and I hope you get some of the SWEET stuff on your list (that perfume smells amazing-good choice)! :)
Merry Christmas Jeri! Hope Santa fills your stocking!
Are you a Christmas baby (the day after is close enough)? So is my Dad. Happy Birthday too then!
I'll send you a note in a couple days about your HM three weeks before a Full question....
ha, YES, you need that Long sleeve green one too!! That pullover is pretty cute though - and those shorts in yellow? Ow owww, that's hot. ;) We all know you have the green ones already!
Haven't seen the Hangover yet, and *yes* I'm a little ashamed to admit it! But, it's on the agenda today!!
Did Santa get all your hints??
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