Secondly, no knee pain. Uh...what? Ok, I'll go with it. My stomach was still pretty pissed off at me, as it's yet to recover from the 20 miler apparently, but other than that, I was a-ok and feeling good. I did a route over by my old apartment, so it was definitely nice to check out some new/old scenery. And I took out the new shoes for their first spin outdoors. Heck yes. Come to think of it, maybe that's why I had no knee pain. Hmmm....interesting. I'm planning on wearing the older pair only for really crappy crappy muddy/wet weather, so hopefully they'll only get another 20-30 miles on them tops.
My garmin had issues finding a satellite, so I ended up running about 8.1 miles in 1:17:08 for a pace of 9:32. P.S. I had two separate people LAUGH at me for declaring my 8 miler an "easy" run tonight. It's insane to think that 8 miles is the shortest run I'll have for this week. Don't even get me started about the week on my schedule that has 10 miles as the "easy run" [shudders].
I had such an overwhelming response to my Life to Do List and Qualities List, that I just had to follow up with some explanation.
Domesticate a squirrel. Growing up, my nickname from my parents was Squirrel Bait. Yes squirrel bait = nuts. That should give you an idea of the type of child I was. Come to think of it, my parents also called me Fart Blossum. I'm not even sure they loved me at this point.... :p But I digress.
I've always had an obsession with squirrels, they're just so stinking cute. When I went to college, there was a swarm of squirrels that hung out on the walkway from the cafeteria to my dorm. Many of them would chill in a crab apple tree outside the building. One night, I bravely walked up to one, and actually petted him (more or less touched his back, and then freaked out). When I called to tell my mom what happened, she replied, "We always knew you were Squirrel Bait!" Oh, gotta love them. Anyway, this will happen someday. It's gotta, it's on "The List."
Potty training a cat. I'm a dog lover, but I also love cats. One thing I don't love is their stinky litterboxes. At one point a long time ago, I saw a thing on tv where someone talked about potty training their cat, and it completely made sense, because it's roughly the same way you'd train them to use a litterbox. Again, this will happen at some point. I'm guessing they won't learn to flush, but that's fine. ;)
I also had many folks respond with their impressive match up on my "Qualities List" and also their extreme short comings (pun intended....apparently my blog readers are shorties. It's ok, I still love you all. :p) I think my top match was @jumbolaw with 21 matches. He also suggested that I add single to my list. Oh touche. Excellent idea. Ha.
I saw this in skymall magazine last month. http://www.skymall.com/shopping/detail.htm?pid=203198583&c=10723
I have a friend who has trained her cat to do this. Amazing!
You crack me up girly! You are def in *MARATHON TRAINING* with those high mileage "easy runs" being so lengthy... oh how I miss those days... no seriously I do. I wish I were training for another one right now!
trust me, 10 miles *will* seem easy after all those 15+ ;)
quite the Nicknames from your parents, heh. what do they call you now?? just curious...
we had squirrels *everywhere* on our campus too (penn state) and omfg you could not have paid me enough to touch one of them. Gah!
Squirrels must be over-running our college campuses. At Purdue my roommate and used used to play chicken with the squirrles when we were riding bikes thru campus. Had several nears misses (or would they be "near hits"?) that were nearly catastophic for me and the squirrel. Ahhh the college days....
I once worked with a girl (at a state park, no less) who saw an injured squirrel on the way to work. She picked it up and put it in her back seat. The squirrel appeared to be half dead and just laid there lifeless on the seat. Until about 5 miles down the road when it completely flipped out, started jumping all over her car and jumped on her head. So be careful with the squirrels. :)
I think the squirrel thing is the same as the deer thing, the skunk thing and the raccoon thing...we take away their natural habitats and they have nowhere else to go.
Isn't funny how your once long runs now become easy weekday runs?!?
My in-laws have nearly domesticated a squirrel. Crazy. It takes some time but is possible! And that cat potty training kit is currently for sale in sky mall :)
Sounds awesome ....makes me want to run a marathon!
Hurray for shorts weather! Boo on the wind though. Love it that your easy run is 8 miles. ;)
By the way, my cat growing up goes to the bathroom on the toilet (still does, and he's 11 now). It was funny and strange sharing a bathroom with your cat...but man, it saved on stinky cat litter!! :) I recommend it!
I agree, you're soooo in marathon training. Keep up the good work!
I agree with this entire post! I too am excited about wearing shorts again, my legs are pasty, I love cats AND dogs and hate stinky litterboxes! I can't wait to see if you train yours!!!
I just noticed I was the top match! Yay for me!
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