I did not want to run. At all. I turned to twitter, and asked for permission to skip my run. And it twas granted. That's twitter loves. I decided I would give myself the night off in exchange for 5 miles Friday and 5 miles Sunday to make up the mileage. Now I hate running the day before long runs, and I don't enjoy running the day after long runs either, so the fact that this agreement sounded much better than going for a run just proved that I truly needed the night off.
Luckily the weather was gorgeous after work and I couldn't WAIT to go for an easy 5 miler. While digging through my t-shirt drawer for a shirt to wear, I found this gem that I had totally forgotten about.
This is my "WTF?? How could I have forgotten about this super awesome running shirt" face. (Also, ignore the fact that I use that chair as a place to drape clean clothes over, I'm messy.)
And this is my "Channeling my nephew H-bomb's Fonzie thumbs up impression with excitement over refound sweet running shirt." Copywrited. Boom.
Post photo shoot, I actually decided to run. While I was running, I realized that this was my first run under 6 miles that I've done in a long long long time. For the record it was March 18th, when I ran 5.75 miles. The run was great and seemed to fly by.
I did the 5 miles in 47:00 for a pace of 9:24.
1. 9:28
2. 9:24
3. 9:24
4. 9:22
5. 9:18
2. 9:24
3. 9:24
4. 9:22
5. 9:18
Being the math nerd I used to be am I was very excited that the mean, median, and mode of my splits were all 9:24. Somehow I feel like that should be significant. Moving on....
When I got home, I decided to whip up some culinary awesomeness for my long run fuel. When I was visiting one of my BFFFs out in Portland a few summers back, she introduced me to Hot Lips pizza, which is literally the most delicious pizza I have ever eaten, and let's be honest, I love me some pizza. I might even go so far as calling myself a pizza connoisseur. <---what a difficult word to spell btw. The pizza that I haven't been able to stop thinking about since June 2008 was this asparagus/garlic number. Since I had these key ingredients on hand I decided to whip it up.

mmmm that ice cream be looking good!!! :)
Yum Yum! I could go for some brownies and ice cream right now! Hope that long run went well!
sometimes an ice cream night is definitely needed! the food looks so good. I want to inhale those brownies!!!
hell yeahhhhh for the ice cream. i totally gave you permission for that.
and great under 6 mile run. i only wish i could say i hadn't run under 6 miles in a month. hah.
taking a night (or two...) off is totally acceptable! you'll lose your sanity if you don't give yourself some flexibility!
p.s. i love that you eat pizza almost as often as I do...heh. Asparagus and garlic? Yes, I'll be trying this. NOM NOM
Pizza and brownies. YUM! Top'd off with New Moon - perfect!
Looks like you had an exciting weekend :) I hope you have a wonderful week!
Ice cream ahhh (insert Homer Simpson voice here) ahhhh. I found a post long run Frosty from Wendys hits the spot a times.
Ice cream, pizza, and cheesecake brownies? I'm coming over to your house. :)
You are crazy! You never do short runs? I could NOT do it... I need those to keep me sane!
As for the ice cream.. I got a little carried away with the ice cream this weekend. And a little carried away with toppers pizza... and pancakes. Ugh. Training is turning me into a garbage disposal. ha! But you are right, sometimes you just gotta put your feet up and consume some goodness :)
Nothing wrong with skipping a few miles here and there. And, don't worry about making up the miles. Marathoning is physically tough enough - you *must* be in great mental shape too. Just don't skip your long runs! You'll be sorry if you skip too many of those.
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