December in Review
Total Miles: 73.2 which is down from 80.1 from last month. (I promised my legs time off if they got me through Dallas, they deserved it!)
Time spent: 10:47:55
Total Runs: 13 for an average of 5.6 miles/run.
Highest weekly mileage: 11/30/2009 — 12/6/2009: 28.0 Mi 4:15:26
Favorite run: The run where I reached 1,000 for the year. Gotta love running with a huge grin on your face and accomplishing something you never thought was possible.
Most hardcore run: I couldn't really recall a run in particular, so I had to look back through my log. I actually titled this one as "The Run From Hell" so I suspect that takes the cake. 5 easy miles in frostbite conditions with partially frozey tears running down my face. I love you SoDak winter!
Favorite Race: Dallas White Rock Half! Favorite race to date. I felt good, my legs felt good, it was fun and I had a PR. What more could you want? Nada.

Total Miles: 1,020
Highest weekly mileage: 35.8 (August 24-30)
Highest monthly mileage: 136.6 (August)
Number of shoes: 3 retired, 1 1/2 way there
Number of races: 7 (2 HMs, 5 5ks) and 1 relay
Number of PRs: 6 (2 HMs, 4 5ks, stupid 5k ruined my perfect season!)
Number of awards: 2, one 5k overall female and one 5k AG
Percentage I have fallen back in love with running: 100
Tonight I had a speed workout to complete. Since I'm not "technically" following a schedule, I scanned my fridge door for a speed workout that looked like fun (all of my training programs for 2009 are still hanging up there for now). I decided on a 1 mile warm up, 1 mile at 7:51 pace, 2 x 800 m. in 3:45 (7:30 pace) and 2 x 400 m. in 1:45 (7:00 pace) with a half mile cool down (with walk breaks after each "sprint."
The warm up mile was a struuuuuugle. I had all sorts of weird aches and pains, especially in my shins. I blame the cold. After I was warmed up, I cranked up the treadmill and away I went! After the first mile I walked .2, then .15 after the 800's, and .1 after the 400's. After 2 400's I thought, heck, why not do two more and screw the cool down jog? Sounds good to me!
Warm up | 1 Mi | 9:35 | 9:35 | 9:35 | |||
Interval | 1 Mi | 7:39 | 17:14 | 7:39 | |||
Interval | 0.5 Mi | 3:40 | 20:54 | 7:20 | |||
Interval | 0.5 Mi | 3:41 | 24:35 | 7:22 | |||
Interval | 0.25 Mi | 1:41 | 26:16 | 6:44 | |||
Interval | 0.25 Mi | 1:37 | 27:53 | 6:28 | |||
Interval | 0.25 Mi | 1:41 | 29:34 | 6:44 | |||
Interval | 0.25 Mi | 1:39 | 31:13 | 6:36 |
I ended up with 4 miles in 31:16 for a 7:49 pace (not including the walk breaks for time or distance). Total speedwork was 3 miles in 21:38 for a 7:13 pace.
I'm sooooo stinkin' tired, but in such a good way. I have a feeling I might be sleeping like a baby tonight. Thank goodness! I haven't slept well since this weekend. :( Boo.
And since I keep forgetting to post these: more pics from Dallas White Rock!
Yes, I am smiling here. B/c I'm having FUN!
Wish I would've gotten the "raise the roof" memo from the chica behind me. Jerk.

And this is where I impress you all by running with one and one-half legs.
Finishing strong (I kind of look fast in this one and it makes me HAPPY!) :)
WOW!!! Great speed workout, Jeri! And LOOK at you in those look amazing! :) 2010 is going to be your year, girlie.
Those are some darn good race pics! Great job on the speed workout and excellent work in 09. I have no doubt 2010 is going to be another great year in running for you!
I am *thoroughly* impressed with the 1 1/2 leg running! UH, obviously it works ;)
way to round out the year! 1020 miles and 6 PRs!? Not baaaad :)
I still haven't looked at all my totals - OR updated since last week? Dangit.
What's really striking is in those White Rock photos you don't even look tired. C'mon - did you jump in at mile 12 or something?
Great 2009 Jeri!
Seriously, you are AWESOME!
hahaha 1 1/2 leg running lol. the first two pictures are AWESOME! it looks like everyone sort of parted around you and you are just busting through the crowd!!!!!
great wrap up :) tho i am kinda interested in a your mom in review post hahaha... you crack me up.
HAPPY 2010!!!
Great finish to the year! You are going to keep getting faster and stronger in 2010 :)
What a great year girl!!! Congrats! Those pics are like the best pics ever!
Oh - and I missed that Vegas RnR thing becuase I kind of relate that to a Half. Most (like all) of the folks I know who run that race do the HM. (Yeah Glenn. Yeah. Sounds like a good excuse.)
I could never run the Vegas nR. You'd never pry me away from the Poker tables!
Great race picturs - you make that smoking fast PR look effortless!
I'm doing the full in Madison memorial day weekend. I was really tempted to do Green Bay again, but I want to all the MN/WI marathons before I start doing some twice . . .
FANTABULOUS race pics! You look like the model placed smack in the middle striking a pose.
Great Year Jeri! Good luck for the upcoming as well.
Wow, someone wh actually has really good ASI race photos! Mine all look like I was mugged at the starting line. Cardiac Arrest by the mid point. Then, post-op heart and lung replacement surgery by the finish. Yeah, never a pretty shot. Yet, my wife always likes them and buys them. Yet, I would never post any of them!
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