I wish I could say my absence was HIMYM-related, but sadly, I cannot. I've only watched two episodes this week
But to back up. Last Thursday I had an intense speed work session on tap. A mile warm up, 6x800 and 2x400, with a 1/2 mile cool down. I had my time ranges for the speed work sticky noted to the treadmill and off I went. Have I mentioned how much I like to run fast? Oh... I have? Sorry. Just thought I'd throw it out there. :) The run was... Legen....wait for it! ......dary. (In Barney's words).
I ended up with 5.15 miles in 39:04 for a pace of 7:36. Bam! After each 800 interval I walked for .15 miles (roughly 3 minutes) and .1 after the 400's. Uff da. I kicked my own @$$!
Warm up | 1 Mi | 9:38 | 9:38 | 9:38 | |||
Interval | 0.5 Mi | 3:29 | 13:07 | 6:58 | |||
Interval | 0.5 Mi | 3:33 | 16:40 | 7:06 | |||
Interval | 0.5 Mi | 3:33 | 20:13 | 7:06 | |||
Interval | 0.5 Mi | 3:32 | 23:45 | 7:04 | |||
Interval | 0.5 Mi | 3:32 | 27:17 | 7:04 | |||
Interval | 0.5 Mi | 3:33 | 30:50 | 7:06 | |||
Interval | 0.25 Mi | 1:33 | 32:23 | 6:12 | |||
Interval | 0.4 Mi | 2:13 | 34:36 | 5:33 | |||
Cool down | 0.5 Mi | 4:28 | 39:04 | 8:56 |
I had every intention of getting in a 10 mile long run over the weekend, as the weather was going to be bad, so I wasn't going to get to see the boy [insert pouty face here]. Superhero to the rescue decided he'd come get me and bring me back home with him since he drives a big bad truck that fears no ice/snow/wind storms. He's hands down my favorite road trip partner and we jammed out/sang at the top of our lungs/drum soloed it up for the drive. You gotta love when your face hurts from smiling so much. Too mushy? So sorry. :)
Saturday morning I had plans to hit the school gym's treadmill for my run, but sleeping in then napping sounded so much better. Maybe Sunday will work. Naaaaaaaw. Doesn't sound like much fun Sunday either. SLACKER.
Sunday night was spent watching the much anticipated Vikings v. Saints NFC Championship game. Now if you've been following along at ALL at home, I am a HUGE HUGE HUGE Packers fan. Huge. I'm also a very BIG Brett Favre fan. Packers fan first, Favre fan second. N is a HUGE HUGE HUGE Vikings fan (not cool). I think we've had text message wars during every vikes v. pack match up for the past 9 years or so.* Anyway, I decided I could cheer for Brett during the game since my boys were out. I didn't want the Vikings to win, mind you, but I wouldn't mind if Brett got another shot at a Superbowl. The photo to the left is one of the images that was sent to me at work on Friday. Yes. He wore this to work. Most of his co-workers were also sporting the purple and gold gear (he works in MN). Ok, so you all know the result of the game, so I'll move on from there. [I hate purple and gold SO much, but he kinda makes it look good. A-hole.]

Monday I was snowed in and unable to get back home, so guess who didn't run again? Answer: Me. Tuesday same deal. I think I need to get the boy running with me otherwise we're never going to be able to spend 5 consecutive days together. :p
Wednesday I was finally back to my homeland and was going to kick my fresh-as-a-daisy legs into gear. I planned to do a 7 mile tempo run. 1 mile warm up and 6 miles at 8:28 pace. The last 2 miles were a s-t-r-u-g-g-l-e, I don't think I had eaten enough, my legs felt fine keeping with the pace I just felt pooped.
I did the 7 miles in 59:46 for a pace of 8:33. My tempo pace was 8:22. Hmmm....maybe I should sign up for a 10k! One of my resolutions is to try a new race distance......it's a possibility! [And then I immediately remember how much I *hate* 6 mile runs, and I'm brought back to earth.]
1. 9:33 (warm up)
2. 8:22
3. 8:25
4. 8:27
5. 8:22
6. 8:22
7. 8:11
Tonight I did a boring 4 easy miles. My legs were tiiiiiiiiight. They only seemed to loosen up the last mile when I bumped up the speed a smidge out of boredom. I did the 4 miles in 38:16 for a pace of 9:34.
1. 9:34
2. 9:40
3. 9:40
4. 9:11
OHMYGOD. I forgot to mention. The highlight of my weekend (only slightly kidding here) was the most amazing salmon I have *EVER* eaten in my life. Holy wow. I seriously have dreams about it. And it was coupled with the most amazing and luxurious sweet potato with brown sugar dancing on top of it. In the word of you foodies out there: foodgasm. Gah.
I'm really going to try not to be such a Sucky McSuckerson on updating my bloggy. I will be doing some hardcore convincing that the boy gets wifi at his (hopefully) new home so I can be a little more connected when I'm out in La-La-Land. :D
Ok, now I'm going to go make out with some HIMYM episodes. I've missssssed you loverface(s)!
*There was serious controversy at two of his work events once word got out that I was an (ahem) Packers fan. "How does that even work?!?!!?" We just avoid each other on Sundays, and occasional Mondays. No biggie. ;)
Sounds like a funtime. Uff Da! Great speed. I have a Farve Jets and Packers Jersey. Could never wear a Vikings one. However, there is one in our family. My 10 year old has one. Hope he comes back for one LAST season. Even though it is for those Hutch stealing Vikes!! Will never forgive Steve Hutchinson or the Vikings for leaving/stealing him from my Seahawks, or Seachickens.
That game was just ridiculous! I'm really not a huge football fan, but I do live in Wisconsin so of course we all wanted to the vikes to lose. I really thought they had it though.. amazing.
Sometimes slacking is good for the bod! I've been slacking for a month now! hahaah.. I'm slowing getting back into it. NIce work on the speed workout!! Danng! It's so freaking cold in here right now I should really think of doing some speed work of my own instead of trying to get miles in when it's below zero.
Way to go on the speed work! I wish I could say I was that fast! I love How I Met Your Mother. I laughed when I saw your quote :-) I hope that you have a great weekend!
I do NOT understand how you deal with all that snow and cold! I'm getting pouty-ish over a high of 26* tomorrow and a "chance" of precipitation. ha! Geeze. i need to suck it up.
"Foodgasm" Lol. I'm totally using that....and now I have a craving for Sweet potatoes + brown sugar. Nom nom.
Quit slacking missy! :)
I love all the schmoopy and seriously, after the marathon I'm headed up to Michigan to visit Spike and I dont plan on doing a single thing. I might even try to talk him out of his long run just so we can stare at each other. LOL! :)
You are too cute. Seriously. Too cute. It's great to see the Jerbear in lllooooovvvvveeeeeee again.
Sounds like a fun weekend! Awesome job on that speed workout!!!
So let's see. This week would make you either Speedy McSlackerson or Slacker McSpeedy. Those are some impressive intervals! Whre do you get off breaking a 6:00 pace on the eighth interval? Wow!
I've gotta tell you though, a a USC alum I'm partial to the Saints. It's about time Reggie Bush gets to show us alums what he's worth!
I really thought you were gone and not posting due to the boy. :) Man you are getting so speedy!!
what specific training plan are you following?
I was so sad about Favre - I really wanted him to win! Great job on the speed work! I love to run fast too! have a good weekend!
I was so happy the Vikings lost. It was a really great night at my house. Living here and hearing all the Vikings fans yak all season was getting old - I could not have tolerated two more weeks! :)
My friend Mac and I call Barney "Swarly." Have you gotten to that episode yet?
Oh running, right. 10K's suck. You should definitely do one.
Those Packer/Vikings fights can be rough! But you're right, you are WAY cuter in your jersery.
OMG, that is such a cute photo of you!!!
And sorry, that's all I have to offer there. I'm football-stupid.
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