Now looking back this was a seriously delusional idea. I rarely go out anymore, so my poor body cannot handle crazy nights out on the town, thus causing my body to take ions to recover. The bar we ended up at on Saturday was extra smokey, and I think that caused my body to revolt. I was seriously soooooo sick on Sunday. I had to nap during halftime of the Packers game, and spent a majority of the day in the horizontal position. Needless to say that 20 miles was not happening.

Monday after having two days off from running I was itching to get in a run. This week is supposed to be my cut back week, but I decided that last week would be since my week ended up a solid 16 miles short. (BTW, my mileage for last week was 26.2 miles in 4:00:24.... so random, and if I'm that close to breaking 4 hours in Vegas and don't, I'm going to quit running and become a showgirl.... you heard it here).
So this week I have only easy paced runs with a 20 miler thrown in on Saturday. I love when your legs are super refreshed and the easy pace is much quicker than normal. It was the most beautiful day for a run. It was in the mid 50s (perfect shorts and long sleeves weather Aron!). My legs felt super springy and everyone out on the trails was in the happiest mood. Everyone was smiling and waving. I was grinning like a baffoon and dealing out smiles and waves all over the place.
I spent the first 2.5 miles of the run listening to Taylor Swift's Haunted on repeat. It was getting a little ridiculous. I tend to have major obsessive tendencies when it comes to songs. The last couple of weeks whenever Foo Fighter's Everlong came on I would listen to it at least 3-4 times in a row before I'd move on to something new. Anyway, T Swift was putting me in the mood and keeping my legs quick, so I went with it. When I got to the 5.5 mile mark, I decided to put it back on the song, to end with 5/8 miles jammin' out to her. No more than one time through the song my iPod just shorted out. I had to start laughing. Apparently it's had enough. Noted. :)
I ended up with 8 miles in 1:13:22 for a pace of 9:11.
Editted to add: I plugged my iPod in Tuesday morning to give it a quick charge to hold me over for my morning run. And nada. No lighting up. No syncing to my Mac. Taylor Swift killed my iPod. Rest in Peace little green. :'(
I feel you pain. I left i-pod number 1 in my running shorts after a run, and it went for a swim! Bye-bye greeny! i-pod number 2 died a long slow death from way too much sweat getting on it during a long hot Raleigh summer. Bye-bye Raider i-pod (Silver & Black). i-pod number 3(black on black) is still going strong, but it knows that it has a target on it's back!
Man, what a biznatch. That was not very nice of T Swift!
On another note, that weekly mileage is totally eerie. Vegas prediction? Run those first few miles a few seconds faster, we can't have you coming That close and going show-girl on us. ;)
Acoustic version of Everlong is a recurring favorite on my iPod.
Don't take it personally .... Taylor Swift will kill any iPod.
Hi Jeri,
Nice run...I love it when the legs feel springy and refreshed:) You are going to rock Vegas! No need to become a cowgirl:) Take care and have a great week!
oh man, ipod catastrophes are on the rise. mine almost bit the dust when i wore it in the armband underneath my hoodie while running...sweaaaaat heaven. meh!
that other run was great though! too bad on the long run...i feel your pain though. my stomach has been off it's rocker the past almost 2 weeks so running is never too's def faster the second half as i'm trying to get home!
And that's why I don't listen to Taylor Swift
It's sad that the iPod seems permanently destroyed, but the way it went out is hilarious. I get the same way with music.
Yeah for fresh legs!
I hope yor iPod was less than a year old! Take it to the Apple Store and see if they'll replace it. Just tell them you tried to recover it and it still didn't work.
i need to get taylor swift on my ipod asap!!
yay perfect running weather <3
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