Thursday I had plans to hit the gym for some stationary bike-age, until I realized that I should hit the bike trails with Miss Polly instead. Duh! I was short on daylight, so I tried to go at a quicker clip than normal - HA! There is no such thing as quick on this puppy. Although, at one point, I was creeping up on a young guy on a mountain bike, and as soon as he saw me he promptly started to haul ass to keep me from catching up to him. I did manage to pass 3 people biking, so I'm not the slowest person on the trail (ok, maybe I am and they were just humoring me, which is totally fine if that's the case). Also, every time I get on my bike I'm half tempted to put on a cutesy sundress and put flowers in my hair. Polly just brings up the inner girly girl in me I guess. So random. I ended up biking 10 miles in 56 minutes, for an insanely slow 10.7 mph. Look out Lance I'm coming for you!

After the bike ride, I meant to do yoga, but it was closely creeping up on 10pm, and I still hadn't had dinner. Horrible habit I'm getting in to. When I got home from my bike ride, I tore in to the pictures I had gotten in the mail from Shutterfly. Ooooooh race photos, random Green Bay photos, and pics of my adorable nephew from my work trip to Dallas. I think this photo is adorable and thought the black and white version would compliment this frame perfectly. When I first saw this as a DIY project, I knew I had to make it. You can't tell from afar, but it's actually a mosaic created out of different shapes of credit cards/debit cards/gift cards! For those of you who don't know, I'm a credit counselor, so I deal with people's finances and particularly credit card debt on a daily basis. I've been wanting to have the perfect picture to take this to work. Thanks H-Bomb! But seriously he's sooooooo cute, right?
To make the frame: collect 10-15 expired debit cards/expired credit cards/gift cards/promo credit cards you get in the mail. Tip: Before the holidays, ask your co-workers to save their gift cards after they've used them. Someone getting hitched or knocked up in the office? Ditto. Next spend 1100 hours cutting up cards until your fingers have the scissor marks imprinted in them. Use mod podge to glue them down in whatever manner is aesthetically pleasing to you. Realize you haven't cut up nearly enough cards. Spend another 1100 hours cutting. Put the project aside for two months (seriously, I did). Finish up on a rainy day.
It's fun because you could use different color schemes if you were super patient about collecting the cards to use. You could actually plot out a specific color pattern. Either of these options will likely add years to the project completion time, so it's best to not even think about doing them. But whatever.
And thus concludes craft time with Jerbear.
5k on Saturday! PR or BUST.
nice frame. great pix. i have said it before, great color for a cruiser bike.
LOVE your bike! And that's an awesome frame. :) (And a cute nephew!)
KICK BUTT in the 5k! PR baby!
what a great idea!! i make lots of poster collages from magazine cut outs and then "laminate" with packing tape... lol. not quite so polished as your craft work of art!!! looks fab!
Hi Jeri,
You got this one! I can feel it....a PR is on its way:) Good luck to you! Looking forward to your race report:)
I don't have a cruiser bike, but I think they look pretty cool. And though I am afraid of my skirt being sucked into the wheels, I understand what you mean about wanting to wear a dress to match your bike.
I used to modge-podge stuff together all the time! We should have a craft show. You can do all the cutting!
What a cute picture and frame! Good luck this weekend. You are going to rock the course!
Good luck with the 5K! Great frame and only 1100 hours? I can't believe you ride that cruiser on the trails.
yA, Um, how awesome is PollY? How much does she SCREAM summer goodness? A LOT, and great job on the frame! It rocks!
that's funny about the mtn biker. good luck today! well, you probably finished, so cheers to a pr?! :) -cw
Nice photo frame Jeri! Great idea! And sorry for getting in late - hope you had a great 5K today.
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