Before she rolled in to town, I had to get my first long run post-marathon done. I had 12 miles on the schedule but decided to do 10-12 to be on the safe side and allow myself the option of shortening it if necessary. I got out the door at 8:30am and already knew I had made a mistake by leaving so late. Hello summer. Welcome to SoDak!
I started off a little fast. Then when I tried to reign in my legs, I opted for the slower side. My normal spot on splits were no where to be seen! I stopped for a quick drink of water at fountains along the trail at 2 miles and 3.5 miles. At mile 5 (where I decided to turn around), I was *dying* of thirst. Bad sign. I tried to slow my pace waaaaaay down. The wind I was running into definitely helped to slow me down. Grrr. The last couple of miles felt as terrible on my tummy as the last few of the marathon did. Blech.
I did 10 miles in 1:34:16 for a pace of 9:26.
1. 9:10
2. 9:15
3. 9:30
4. 9:19
5. 9:29
6. 9:41
7. 9:34
8. 9:41
9. 9:33
10. 9:01
Post-run and post-shower it was off to the waterpark. I love the sun. I love the smell of sunscreen. I love boys with their shirts off. What? It's true. :) I got to hang out with my BFFF and see some old friends. After getting our tan on (and by tan I mean reapplying sunscreen every 45 minutes and nagging all the boys who were acting too cool for melanoma to apply as well) we got ready and went out for drinks. Somehow we both took our cameras and took zero pictures. BFFF fail.
Saturday we were up bright and early to see SATC2!!! EEEEE. So excited. We were both big SATC fans back in the day and watched the first one together as well. I know everyone has been revealing which girl they are in the show. Funny moment with my old roommates, they were talking about the show, and each one listed off who they thought they were, leaving only Samantha unclaimed. As soon as it dawned on me, I let out, "Oh.... does that make me the whore in this scenario??????" After a glass or two (or four) of wine, this was apparently the most hilarious thing ever. Anyway. The movie was gooood. And Aiden is still looking gooooood. After the movie and lunch it was time to say ta-ta to my bestie (haha I hate that word, but like to use it sometimes because it's so obnoxious).
I went home, took a little snooze, and got all dolled up for movie #2 for the day: Prince of Persia. I'll be honest. I didn't really think this movie would be my cup of tea, but decided I could stare at Jake Gyllenhal for 2 hours if worst came to worst. It was actually really good. I was impressed.
Sunday morning I hit the trail for an easy paced 6 mile run. Barely two miles into the run I saw a familiar face: Angie! My old boss in college, who is seriously just the sweetest person in the world. We've tried to make plans to run in the past, and they have always fallen through. The funniest thing: only runners seeing each other on the bike trail will do the following-- a) start waving and smiling as soon as they recognize each other. b) simultaneously stop their stop watches as they slow to meet up. c) embrace in a mondo sweaty gross hug. After we caught up for a few minutes, we both went on our way.
About two miles later, I ran into my Prince of Persia date, who decided to jog along with me for a while. Sidenote: fairly certain my ~9:30 mm pace for him would be like me trying to run a 12 mm. Sorry! My heavily sweated self must not have freaked him out too much because we made plans to hang out on Sunday night. Mental note: Must get faster. ;)
I ran 6 miles in 57:06 for a pace of 9:31.
Both people I ran into while running commented that they could tell it was me from afar because I was wearing green. Good to know that I've been known for my green tendencies long before my running days. Also, how fab is it to run into friendly faces on a run??? Answer: pretty fabulous.
Sounds like such a fun weekend! And I am glad to hear that there is another date, esp after a sweaty run! Good sign good sign :)
What a fun weekend! I need to see Sex in the City 2 pronto!
Way to get back into the long runs lady! Kick ass! The heat has been getting to me as well.. I usually end my runs with a jump in the lake. Sometimes I think I prefer the running in the winter. Crrrazzy! Running into people while running = awesome. Move to WIsconsin so we can run into each other all the time!!! ;)
I can't wait to see Sex in the City!!! Great job on your run!
Wow! Is that seat running down your legs? You and I are cut of the same cloth. Except you're a lot faster.....
What a fun weekend! Nice job on getting all the running in this past weekend too. I too become a sweaty beast!
Fun weekend! Nice job getting back on the long runs.
Hi Jeri,
Nice work on your ten miler! I have been bringing water with on all of my runs over three miles. I have a hydration belt and a hand-held....the hand-held is taking a little getting used to. Take care Jeri:)
I loved the beginning of SATC 2 with the music and the girls, showing them in the old days! It was awesome!
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