Since I was in Chamberlain (which is gorgeous, btw) I brought my camera along to take some shots. After about the first half mile, my hip starting hurting a lot. I ended up running a mile and walking the remaining 1/2 mile home. For most of the running and walking I had my hand on my hip to keep it from popping. As soon as I got back to the hotel, I grabbed a bag of ice and started googling. It seems to be stemming from my IT band issues from post-marathon and recommended some hip adductor strengthening exercises. I'll be taking tomorrow off, and probably Friday, and hopefully back to normal by Saturday. I'm running 2 races next weekend, so I definitely want that puppy at 100%!

It's interesting, because I actually had this issue in track in 7th grade, and the doctor was never able to tell me what it was. Then as a sophomore I majorly pulled my right quad coming out of the blocks in the 100 m dash. More recently I realized that it was actually my IT band, so it make sense that my hips would be to blame yet again. I shall live. :)
Thursday I decided to take out Miss Polly provided biking didn't hurt my hip, for a little stroll. One of my buddies who's a big (big = way better and more legit) biker, offered to come with me. Somehow a bike ride to him means biking to a bar downtown for a beer. I could get used to cycling! ;) Luckily my hip stayed in tact and didn't bother me unless I stood up to peddle (which I did maybe once). We managed to go 16 miles, which is quite the feat on my one speed bike. Heh heh. He also refused to let me bring my camera because (and I quote), "I do not want to end up on your blog!" Well, aren't you a lame friend. :P Of course we ended up seeing a ton of hot air balloons which would've been fun to photograph--next time I won't be so accommodating. ;)
Wow, that does look like a BEAUTIFUL place to run. Hopefully that hip heals up quick.
Is that what your hood looks like? That's so cool! The scenery looks so serene. Sucks about your hip. I hope you make a speedy recovery.
Bummer about the hip, but thanks for the great photos!
Wow, I am certainly jealous. That looks like an amazing place to run.
Hang in there with the injury—we all have them from time to time. The important thing is how you manage it and convalesce. Train smart!
Where is this place?! That is absolutely gorgeous - I heart. And no more of this "no camera" rule with Polly - hot air balloons are meant to be photographed! really, what else are they good for?
I really hope that hip is okay!! take it eeeasy and RICE it up ;)
I've always wanted to go out to South looks gorgeous!
Hope you feel better :-/
I forget how green the Midwest can be.
Sorry about the hip. I am curious how you detremined it was IT Band issues when it sounds like something else.
Wow, great photos! I would love running there. Sorry to hear about the hip. Sounds painful. Hope it is just a passing thing.
My right hip does that when I run past ~13 miles. Hope you figure it out and recover quickly!
Dern hips! Hope it feels better- trust me, I know it sucks!
Gorgeous place to run!
Hope that hip feels better soon. Take it easy.
Take care of that hip girl!! Dont want you getting hurt!
i hope the hip feels 100% better! my knee's been bothering me, so i feel your sniffle.
amazing....amazing photos!!!
Sorry about the hip. :(
Gorgeous pics. Take care of your hip - I hope a couple of days off do the trick!
And you can come do the floatie tri with me anytime! :)
I hope everything is okay with the hip! Love the pictures :)
Great pictures! What a beautiful place.
I'm so sorry about the hip! It sounds like you're treating it well, though. Hopefully it'll be back to normal this weekend.
Hi Jeri,
Boy do I know all about hip injury! Last September after my first ten mile I screwed up my right hip royally. I had issues with it off and on until April. I ended to up going to get it massaged after every long run. I really hope that your issues heal quickly:)
Wow, those are some stunning beautiful! Way to get out on the bike and get a 16 miler in! Enjoy your weekend Jeri!
Sorry to hear about the hip! Those are some awesome pics!
wow! what beautiful pics!
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