I put in my notice at my first library job to start working at my dream library.

I honestly can't recall anything about the month of February. According to my instagram, I had a super fancy drink on Valentine's day and got some gorg white roses. Apparently that's it...

I traveled to the cities to visit my BFF and celebrate my favorite holiday with her.

In light of the Boston Marathon bombings, I was inspired to sign up for marathon #6 in Madison Wisconsin.

We had a monster ice storm that took months to recover from.

I finally got back on the running wagon in May, thanks partially to seeing the "light at the end of the tunnel" of school and a marathon looming on the horizon in six short months. Welcome baaaaack running.

I got my first (and only) B in grad school. Dang you cataloging!
I had the month off from school and it was magical!
My nephew came to visit!

I ran a 10k in pouring rain and through flooded streets and won an AG award.
Kyle's BFF got married.

My mom and I went to the US Track and Field Championships in Des Moines and I got to see my runner girl crush Allyson Felix tear up the track in scorching heat and humidity.
Ollie enjoyed her first fireworks display and loved it. Weirdo.

I jetted to Vegas with one of my besties and her husband to witness my bestie and the love of her life tie the knot. I cried like a little girl. Don't be surprised.

Finally (ok, I say finally like the two years didn't flyyyyyyy byyyyyyyy, but still) graduated from The University of Alabama with my Masters in Library and Information Science degree. Whoop whoop!!
I also was chosen to work at our brand new, just built library branch. I've spent the fall doing storytimes, leading teen programs, helping anyone and everyone find that *perfect* book to read, and started a book club for adults who like to read YA (young adult) books.
We spent some time at his family's cabin. Pure bliss.

Kyle got another year older. Whoop!
And my niece, baby Harlow was born!

I ran the Sioux Falls half marathon for the 9th consecutive time.
It was hot and humid, per usual..

I woke up at 4:45am to get in some crazy mileage before work most mornings and fell waaaay back in love with early morning running. And then the time change happened... derp.
We dressed up as Harry Potter characters at my library.
Ollie attended her second Pug-O-Ween as Yoda.
I ran a 10k in costume. Ribbit.
I carved a pug-kin. It took FOREVER.
I attempted (and failed) the NaNoWriMo project knocking out 10k+ words (goal is 50k, DANG), but still consider the attempt a win of sorts.
I ran my 6th marathon in Madison, WI and finally got to meet Krista and Renee in person and eat all of the cheese and drink all of the beer while I was there. Heaven.
I counted down the remaining days in my 20s and tried to stay warm. We had a couple of weeks where we didn't get above freezing. The pug and I were miserable.
I spent time with my bestie who was back from Texas and our fave preggo.

And then I turned 30 with many friends in tow. I hope you all have a safe and awesome NYE! Cheers to 2014!